You look like Coolio when he takes his braids out.

Dave have your fingers lost weight?

I was gonna tell them we were going horseback riding, but I was afraid it would come out that I ride side saddle.

Oh it was real physical. REAL physical. I'm talking about sex physical. Sock off sex. So hot

Call me Melanie Griffith because I'm gonna be Workin Girllll.

Max put stripper glitter in my two favorite things, my lotions and my creams.

Dave: I think our wedding was pretty spectacular.
Brad: Yeah the only thing missing was a bride that stayed for the duration of the reception.

Nobody solves things through tennis matches anymore bro; it's not the 80s.

Alex and Jane tried being honest with each other like 20 years ago. The fight lasted for weeks. The family calls it, "the incident."

Winter is coming.

Oh my God, I'm the Jackie Robinson of the Kerkovich family!

My love of rational business plans is clashing with my love of clandestine love affairs.

Happy Endings Quotes

You're sweating on my bruschetta.

Jane [to Brad]

The weird part is, now that I have a guy, everybody wants to set me up. Oh I know Al! I should hook you up with one of my "extras."
