You're pretty much the only guy in this school I haven't made out with because I thought you were capital G gay. But now that I know you're not, having a perfect record would mean a lot to me. Let me know if you wanna tap this.

"It's clear that the three of you are incompetent fools, possibly even some sort of terrorist cell. So, as president, I'm gonna decide what the prom theme is going to be this year. And I think that it should be...dinosaurs."

I don't brush my teeth. I rinse my mouth out with soda after I eat. I was pretty sure Dr. Pepper was a dentist.

I'm more talented than all of you. I see that clearly now.

I'm paralyzed with fear. I've been here since second period. I really need to pee.


Please be songs about sweaters.

The way to get a man to follow you forever, take his virginity. Madonna wrote a song about it.

Is God an evil dwarf?

Quinn: There's a fair amount of the pot calling the kettle black now.
Brittany: That's so racist.

Rachel: Why are my leg warmers on your arms?
Brittany: I got cold.

People thought I went on vacation but I really spent the summer lost in the sewers.

The glee club together with the football team, it's like a double rainbow. A zombie double rainbow.

Glee Quotes

I've got a full ride to a little school called the University of California in Los Angeles. Maybe you've heard of it. It's in Los Angeles.


She may be difficult, but boy can she sing. Bravo!
