Brittany: The truth is, is that, ever since Santana left, you're the only person who makes me smile.
Sam: I am pretty non-stop hilarious.
Brittany: You make me happy, Sam. And I don't want to waste any more time not smiling at your hilariousness.
Sam: What about the lesbian blogger community?
Brittany: They're not gonna like it, but the way I figure is that, they know they're my sisters, and love is love.

Santana: Let's just do the mature thing here. This is not an official break up. But let's just be honest that long distance relationships are almost impossible to maintain because both people are rarely getting what they need, especially at our age.
Brittany: This sounds a lot like a break up to me.

Brittany: Can I ask you a question?
Sam: Oh, The Walking Dead isn't based on a true story. I already checked.
Brittany: That's not what I was going to ask, but, oh.

A unicorn is someone who knows he's popular, but isn't afraid to show it.

Brittany: Being left behind sucks.
Santana: It's just a stupid prank.
Brittany: You don't get it. You left me behind and it hurt.

Brittany, take a seat. This is clearly the plan of an idiot. But a plan, nonetheless, and one that required the barest modicum of human logic, which frankly I thought was beyond you.


You look magical and amazing, but I don't understand what you're saying. So if you're gonna make it this his world, you better learn to speak English.

Brittany [to Rory]

If elected, I'll have sugary treats available at all times. Helps with concentration. That's what George Washington said.

Sam: I'm totally into you. You're, uh, the only person that really understands me.
Brittany: It's cause you're a genius. And most people don't understand geniuses. Like most people didn't appreciate Einstein or the Spice Girls until it was too late.

Brittany: Did you lay out the line of cereal for me?
Sam: Well, it's Tuesday, and I know how you forget to eat breakfast on Tuesday because the first few days of the week tend to confuse you.

Blaine: Brittany S. Pierce in her last term accomplished absolutely nothing except plan a dinosaur-themed prom and ban the use of hair gel. Ladies and gentlemen, telling anyone what they can or can't put in their hair is disgusting. It's tyranny, my friends. Next thing you know, they'll start burning books. And then they'll probably start burning people, too.
Brittany: That's a lie.

You know, the New York Times said, um, half the increase in support of gay marriage is due to generational turnover. That's what smart people call 'crazy, uptight bitches dying.' You guys lost, okay? And honestly the rest of us are just going about our business being normal and waiting for you not to be around, and not because you can stop us from getting married, but because you're kind of annoying.

Glee Quotes

I've got a full ride to a little school called the University of California in Los Angeles. Maybe you've heard of it. It's in Los Angeles.


She may be difficult, but boy can she sing. Bravo!
