Callie: I thought you quit smoking. Wasn't that the deal? Ruthie loses 40 pounds and you quit smoking?
Will: My girlfriend's in emergency surgery, I think she'll forgive me for smoking.
Callie: No, no she won't, because she's dead. Ruthie's dead. Dr. Bailey tried to stop the bleeding but because shes been starving herself and over training, her heart couldn't take the strain!
Will: You think this is my fault? She wanted to lose the weight. I just wanted her to be healthy.
Callie: She was healthy 20 pounds ago. You just wanted her to be hot, especially if you were gonna move in with her right?
Will: Look... I loved her.
Callie: You didn't love her! You just didn't want to be alone. Or maybe, maybe she was good for your ego. Or, or maybe she made you feel better about your miserable life, but you didn't love her, because you don't destroy the person that you love!

Izzie: Callie! Hey. Hi.
Callie: We have to talk.
Izzie: Okay. Umm, about?
Callie: George told me.
Izzie: He told you.
Callie: Everything. Cafeteria, Noon, You and me. Be There.

George: Callie... you haven't said anything and... just say something... please, anything.
Callie: I forgive you.
George: What?
Callie: You made a mistake, but we took vows, 'til death do we part so...I forgive you.

Callie: Just say it.
George: I slept with Izzie.

Chief: What do we have?
Callie: Gas main blew in an apartment building, five injured, some badly.
Cristina: Excellent.... Horrible, horrible! Sad.

ADDISON: "I am being stalked by pregnant women."
CALLIE: "You're an obstetrician."

ADDISON: "It's a great time. Don't let me and my fossilized eggs discourage you."
CALLIE: "We're gonna be friends still if I get pregnant?"
ADDISON: [smiles] "Absolutely not!"

CRISTINA: "What am I supposed to say? 'I swear to love and cherish you every moment of everyday of my life?' I mean, that's not real. I mean, that's not how it works, right?"
CALLIE: "It does, at first, but then it..."
MEREDITH: "It passes."
IZZIE: "No it doesn't. You guys are just used to it, that's all. You already have it, you have that thing everybody else wants. You can take it for granted, but let me tell you, if you didn't - if you couldn't be with the person that you love, I guarantee that hearing him promise you, love you and honor you and cherish you, no matter what, it would be pretty much all you could think about."
CRISTINA: "Wait, can you say that again? Just slowly."
MEREDITH: "You're talking about Denny, right?
IZZIE: "Right."

CALLIE: "Why don’t you just go there already?"
ADDISON: "Because he doesn’t barbeque either. Plus he’s like 12 years old and could fit all his belongings in a milk crate."
CALLIE: "Well, guys like Karev… at least you know he’ll never lie to you. Guys like him, they must run in their 20s, but then they, you know, pack it in and teach their kids to play catch."
ADDISON: "Maybe. Ahh, I need to stop thinking about both of them."
CALLIE: "And I have to stop thinking about Izzie Stevens."
ADDISON: "Hey, Callie, here’s the thing. When you’re obsessing about something like that, there’s generally a reason."

CALLIE: "I caught George in a lie the other day. He said he spent the day in the clinic when he spent it doing god knows what with Izzie Stevens. It’s probably nothing, right?"
ADDISON: "Right."
CALLIE: "Right. So how’s your manwhore? Miraculously reformed?"
ADDISON: "For now. It’s never gonna turn him into... what I want."
CALLIE: "Which is?"
ADDISON: "The whole thing. I want someone stable who barbeques and teaches kids how to play catch. That’s not Mark Sloan. Which doesn’t explain why I spent the entire day looking at Alex Karev like a puppy at a chew toy."

CALLIE: "What are you... are you... You're actually asking me..."
CRISTINA: "To be my bridesmaid, yeah."

CALLIE: "Oh, hi."
CRISTINA: "Hello."
CALLIE: "Someone have bones that need resetting?"
CRISTINA: [mumbles incoherently]
CALLIE: "Excuse me?"
CRISTINA: "Bridesmaids. My mother and Burke's mother have been talking on the phone and now, they are here, with me."

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
