You give me something to believe in even stronger than the NRA's code of ethics.

Lassiter: Where is Rip?
Shawn: He is somewhere in this house kicking ass in a classic game of hide and seek.

Lassiter: As of 2100 hours we are on a phase 4 lockdown!
Billy: Phase 4? What happened to the other three phases you cheap bastard?!

Lassiter: You know what happens in prison when you cry Harvard? A bunch of inmates go to the library and check out a bunch of books you've probably read before and beat you until you forget you ever went to guess?
Martin: Harvard...
Lassiter: You really are smart.

Think about it Spencer, put your finger to your head and use your brain....

Why don't you go home, watch a few episodes of Sex and the City and shake this whole thing off?

Lassiter [to Juliet]

You story, much like your lunchbox, smells a little fishy.

You two are so breaking up over this.

That's why [the Innocence Project] is high on my crap list, right behind internal affairs, UNICEF and Lance Bass... don't ask

Lassiter: How many get out of jail free cards does a guy get?
Shawn: One in Chance, and another in Comminity Chess.

How may potted plants does it take to spell loser?

Carlton: I have to know, will there be a hibiscus in this design.
McNab: There would be, if it was 2004. Psh, this guy!

Psych Quotes

Gus: That's a player's move, Shawn, a player's move.
Shawn: That's not a player's move, Gus, that's an astronomer's move.

Juliet: It's all police work Carlton.
Carlton: Yeah, right, and global warming is real.
Juliet: Yes, it is, Carlton.
Carlton: Sure it is.