You can keep Addison company all night as long as you two stop pretending you aren't back together because you can't sell it. It's making me uncomfortable.

Getting through what happened to you is going to be a special kind of hell. There's no way around that. I'm here to tell you that you can do this 'cause you're not a victim. You're a survivor. You survived this as a way to move forward, past the pain, the shame, the guilt. You won't forget, but you will get there. It's possible. I know it's possible.

Charlotte: I'm lucky to have you, Coop. I don't want it to ever seem like I take you for granted.
Cooper: I can't take anything for granted.

Charlotte: My mom always says God doesn't give with both hands. You're young, beautiful, brilliant. There has to be something you can't have.
Amelia: Some days I'd give that all up.
Charlotte: That's just the craving talking. The longer you go without a drink...
Amelia: I drank at your wedding. I thought it was ginger ale. I spit it out.
Charlotte: OK, since then?
Amelia: Nothing, but I can't stop thinking about it.
Charlotte: It was an accident. Don't let a slip turn into a fall. Get your butt to a meeting.

Cooper: I think it's a mistake for us to do this. Everyone out there, they're miserable. Our parents don't think it's going to work. The practice is falling apart. Everyone is fighting. I don't care what anybody thinks or how they feel - not today.
Charlotte: I don't understand.
Cooper: All that matters is you and me. And the rest of them, they don't have to agree or to like it or to like each other because this is not for them or about them.

We're junkies together. That makes us BFF's in my book.

Cooper: Sure then, Charlie.
Charlotte: You call me that will be hobbling down that aisle.

The problem is not going to fix itself if it's bothering you this much.

Charlotte: It's just back then you were the right choice - the perfect guy. My parents loved you. My friends loved you. I loved you. And now knowing that I fell in love with a man who could never love me back, not what I needed. I never thought of myself as woman who makes bad choices.
Billy: Is that what this is about? You feel like an idiot? You couldn't have known. Hell, I didn't know, but, this time don't you think you got it right?

Charlotte: Here's the thing. I don't know your father. And maybe when you were a newborn, he did look at you and wished that you were Andy 'cause frankly all babies look the same. They're all bald, wailing, poop machines, but the minute you started to grow - you were Cooper, not some replacement child.
Cooper: What did you do?
Charlotte: You can't give up on the things you love - not ever.

If you are able to forgive Francis, she won't be able to control you anymore. She is who she is. You are who you are, and the only thing that's important is how you move forward, but that's up to you.


Charlotte: Why didn't you tell me you played piano?
Cooper: It didn't seem important.
Charlotte: Sounds like you used to love it.
Cooper: I used to love to eat paste, too.
Charlotte: Why'd you give it up?
Cooper: The piano or the paste?

Private Practice Quotes

I think I can see your arteries closing up from here.


"Never talk about your penis when you hug another man."


Private Practice Music

  Song Artist
Song Lost The Mary Onettes
Down In The Valley The Broken West iTunes
Song Message From Yuz The Switches