Izzie: Babe, you've got some dirt on your neck. Right there.
Meredith: That's not dirt. That's a tick. Ew.
Alex: Get it.. get it off me.
Cristina: Oh, is that a tick.
Izzie: It is a tick.
Meredith: It's a tick.
Izzie: Look at it, it's all swollen.
Alex: Get it off me now please.
Cristina: It's having lunch too.
Meredith: No!
Alex: Somebody take it off!

Izzie: Why are we eating lunch in a room full of diseased organs?
Meredith: We are hiding from Lexie and her big, sad, I love my daddy eyes. Because, I can't take it anymore.
Cristina: Oh, is little Grey not a match? (Mer shakes her head) Oh, Damn. There goes my transplant.
Alex: Nice try. It was my transplant.
Izzie: Are you gonna get tested Mer?
Meredith: No. I barely know the guy.
Cristina: You might as well just get tested.
Alex: You could regret it if you don't do it.
Cristina: He may be a drunk deadbeat, but he gave you the ultimate gift.
Alex: The gift of life.
Izzie: You guys are sick. You really are, you're sick. Don't listen to them, Mer. They just want a surgery.
Cristina: Mama needs to cut.

Meredith: Biology, it's crap. Utter crap. DNA, RNA. It doesn't make someone your family.
Cristina: It does actually.
Meredith: He needs a liver transplant. Lexie volunteered like she just got asked for a dollar bill. I left the room. He's not my father.
Cristina: Wait, your dad needs a transplant?
Meredith: Ooh! Maybe not, maybe he's dead this time.

Owen: Are you whoring yourself out for surgeries?
Cristina: Oh shut up. You forced me into it!

Cristina: Hey, watchya lookin for?
Shadow Shepherd: Excuse me?
Cristina: Oh, I could help but notice you have no resident on your de-compressive laminectomy. Well, today's your lucky day. Cause I'm available.
Shadow Shepherd: Yang, right? I heard you were hardcore into cardio.
Cristina: I can be hardcore into anything you want.

Owen: Stevens, I have something for you if you're interested.
Cristina: Well I'm interested.
Owen: An MBC came in a while back during his work up I found an abdominal sarcoma. Since then I've been following his recurrences, and uh, he came back today with his 3rd one. Wondered if you could scrub in? If you feel ready.
Cristina: I'm ready!
Owen: He's in pre-op.
Cristina: You know I need a surgery.
Owen: You know I don't play favorites. Please have been afraid to work with Stevens. Like she's gonna break or something. It's not right. She's a good surgeon, and she has a way with patients. And, a light touch.
Cristina: You want nice? I can be nice too. I can be nice to a dying husk.
Owen: Yeah, not a light touch.

Cristina: Did I tell you how great your hair looks. It's all short and um, edgy.
Izzie: Why, you are really tweaking out. How long's it been since you've cut?
Cristina: Over a week.
Izzie: Ooh.

Lexie: Meredith, his neighbor said that he wasn't getting his mail.
Meredith: Ugh.
Thatcher: I heard that you got married on a sticker. That's great.
Cristina: We should go so you can have family time.
Lexie: No, I don't . I don't know what's wrong with him.
Meredith: Did you pick him up off the floor of a bar Lexie? That might be a clue.
Thatcher: Uh, I'm not. I haven't been drinking I just... (Thatcher throws up blood)
Cristina: Now that could be surgical.

Izzie: What are you doing?
Cristina: Just making sure everything's running smoothly here. And... it is. Kudos.
Izzie: Oh, no, no, no, no. Ah uh! Oh, no! I am on Hunt's service. Anything that turns surgical down here is mine.
Cristina: You don't need the hours, you spent the last 6 months in the OR.
Izzie: Unconscious on a table. It does not count.

Cristina: I'm done, finished, expired meat.
Meredith: You're freaking out a little bit.
Cristina: Well, you haven't been kicked off 2 services in one month. I couldn't get into an OR if I was bleeding half to death. You got anything good?
Meredith: I'm scrubbing in on an optic glioma later on with Derek. I've never seen one.

Cristina: What have you got?
Steve: Um, diabetic ulcer.
Cristina: Down to the bone?
Steve: No.

Cristina: Anything?
Meredith: Nope. There was a papillary muscle rupture in the CCU but the guy died before they could get him into the OR.
Cristina: Crap! I need surgeries and I need them now. I've already had 100 hours in the OR this month, and you know they keep the residents with the most hours.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
