Arizona: Ok, Dr. Yang, are you ready for rounds?
Cristina: Yes. Oh um, continue with your course of treatment and keep me updated on any new developments.
Arizona: You know you don't look ready.
Cristina: No, I'm ready. I looked over your patient charts and I noticed you have a shock wave lithotripsy scheduled for kidney stones this morning and I was um... I've never done one of those so I'm looking forward to it.
Arizona: (pins a teddy bear on Cris' collar) Ok, now you're ready.
Cristina: Oh... ok.
Arizona: Come on, lets go.

Meredith: You know we really should get some sleep before rounds.
Cristina: Sleep is for wimps. Sleep is for Mercy West residents. Lets ah, fit in another trauma before rounds.
Alex: Don't say anything about the wig.
Izzie: I'm back. Yes, I am early... but whatever. I'm back. And because I've been one so long, the first trauma that comes through those doors, it's mine. Got it?
(Everyone just stares at Izzie's wig)
Izzie: It's amazing right?
Meredith: What?
Cristina: What's amazing?
Izzie: The wig.
Meredith: Yeah.
Cristina: Oh, it looks so real I couldn't even tell.
Meredith: Mhm.
Izzie: I've always wanted to try out being a red head, so I just thought nows the time.
Alex: Well, what's wrong with your own hair?
Izzie: It's peach fuzz chemo hair, and I really wanted to put my patients at ease. Make them feel comfortable.
Cristina: (whispers to Mer) She looks like a Stepford wife, you've gotta tell her.
Meredith: (smiling) She can't handle it. Just don't stare.

Cristina: I talked to Callie last night about the residents at mercy west. She said they don't suck! You're safe 'cause of Derek. Izzie's safe cause of cancer. Alex is Bailey's new favorite. You know even George would have been spared 'cause he's Owen's guy. Cardio has been a revolving door around here and no ones got my back.
Meredith: So, Arizona is your cover?
Cristina: She's merger proof! She keeps little kids alive. No one likes a dead kid. Plus, they're under anesthesia half the time. How bad can it be.

Alex: Oh, he's lost a huge chunk of flesh. I see down to his mandible. We'll need plastics and an ENT consult.
Owen: Left IV looks as if it's clotted off. I need 16 gauge in there.
All the interns: I'VE GOT IT!!!!
Owen: Woah woah woah, what's going on? It's 4 in the morning, is everyone on call?
Cristina: It's the merger. Everyones scared to go home.
Owen: I don't think the Chief meant that people couldn't sleep.
Cristina: It's hard to sleep when your jobs on the line.
Owen: One of you... get as much type specific blood as they'll let you have and meet us in surgery.

Cristina: What I realize is that peds is the only specialty where I can do it all. You have cardio, general, ortho. It's like the whole body is your canvas, and the fact that it's a small canvas makes it more challenging. I mean, I have no idea if you have someone on your service right now but, I would really love to witness your artistry.
Arizona: You got this? Well, you gotta like kids.
Cristina: I love kids.
Arizona: Ok, I'll see you on rounds.

Cristina: That list is everything - it is my future. It is my salvation. The list is life.
Owen: You're comparing the merger with Schindler's List?
Cristina: I'm Jewish. I'm allowed.

George O'Malley died.

Owen: I don't wanna hurt you again. My problems they're real, and this, this makes us real. It makes my problems your problems. I'm afraid. I don't wanna hurt you again.
Cristina: You can sleep in the bathtub.
Owen: What?

Cristina: I... I can't get back on Bailey's service. I mean, she's still not even looking at me.
Owen: Cristina, give it time. I mean, you know, she was closer to O'Malley and she has more...
Cristina: Yeah, I know but she's... it's not even about O'Malley. She's mad at me about Ceviche.
Owen: (laughing) You've gotta stop that.
Dr Wyatt: Ceviche?
Cristina: It's a patient.
Owen: Ah, a boating accident victim. She thinks that it's ok to call her a seafood dish. Is that ok?
Dr Wyatt: Well, it's pretty dark.
Cristina: Oh come on. I'm dark? I'm not the one going around choking people in their sleep.

Lexie: I'm worried about Clara. She's depressed, but like a whole new level of depressed. I don't know what to do.
Cristina: Are you talking about Ceviche?
Lexie: That... (Cristina signs the propeller hitting Clara's stomach) Oh my god! That's... that is so rude. Ceviche? That is so... that... it... that... that's rude. That is SO RUDE!
Cristina: What? Anyone else I can offend?

Meredith: I haven't cried yet. I'm using work and sex as a distraction and I think it's working for me. Have you seen the girl Amanda? She's sitting outside the hospital on that bench all day long. It...
Cristina: I miss sex. UGH! I miss it so much! (Mer gets up to leave) What? Mer!

Cristina: She asked me a question, I was right to answer it. I did my job. A patient asked me to disclose the risks of a surgical procedure and I am required by law and my oath to do so. If you know a way to sugar coat a colostomy bag I would like to hear it.
Bailey: If you know a more respectful way to speak to an attending surgeon I'd like to hear that. Until you do, you don't talk to me. You're off my service.
Cristina: Ok, ok. Seriously! What is your problem?

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
