Derek: I'll write a check. How much?
Arizona: I'll split it with you.
Mark: I have a teenager - what if she wants to go to college?
Arizona: Have you met her?
Mark: Fine, I'm in.

(closing narration) Ask most surgeons why they became surgeons and they usually tell you the same thing. The high, the rush, the thrill of the cut. For me it was the quiet. Peace isn't a permanent state. It exists in moments. Fleeting. Gone before we knew it was there. We can experience it at any time, in a stranger's act of kindness, a task that requires complete focus or simply the comfort of an old routine. Everyday we all experience these moments of peace. The trick is to know when they're happening so that we can embrace them, live in them. And finally let them go.

Derek: We can't keep doing this Richard. I'm tired of fighting you. Let's try and put this behind us and move on. I can if you can.
Richard: You're fired. Immediately. Get the hell out of my hospital.
Derek: Go home, sleep on it. We'll talk more tomorrow.

Ask most surgeons why they became surgeons and they usually tell you the same thing. It was for the high, the rush, the thrill that comes from cutting someone open and saving their life. For me it was different, maybe it was because I grew up in a house with four sisters. No, definitely because I grew up in a house with four sisters because it was the quiet that drew me to surgery. The operating room is a quiet place. Peaceful. It has to be in order for us to stay alert, anticipate complications. When you stand in the OR, your patient open on the table, all the worlds noise, all the worry that it brings disappears. A calm settles over you, time passing without thought. For that moment, you feel completely at peace.

Derek: Maybe it's not one doctor. Maybe it's too many doctors who don't know each other and who don't trust each other. When I got to that room, it was chaos, because that's the system now: chaos. That has been the system that's been in place since this merger. Your system. I'm saying you should look again at who is responsible.

Derek: Hey.
Meredith: Hey. What are you doing here? (Smiling)
Derek: You didn't think I was gonna let you do this by yourself, did you?
Bailey: Ah ah, this is not how this is going to work. (Looks at Cris) Do I need to find you something to do?
Cristina: No. I have a penis.
Derek: I'm gonna sit by her head, and I won't say a word.
Bailey: Shepherd, this is my OR.
Derek: I respect that Dr. Bailey, but this is my wife that you're cutting into. (Mer Smiles)

Meredith: Is this our optic glioma guy?
Derek: Mhm. Are you sure you're up for this? There'll be others, I promise.
Meredith: Yeah, you know, everyone is looking at me like I owe him something. But, he's still the bad guy here.
Derek: You don't owe him anything. (Kisses her)
Meredith: I...

Meredith: My dad's dead. At first I thought he was drunk, then he started puking blood. And, puking blood and disorientation usually means...
Derek: End stage liver failure.
Meredith: Which mean's he's probably dead by now. Or he needs a transplant, and I hope he's not a candidate. Because that means he'd be in the hospital for months.
Alex: Uh, Mer.
Meredith: He needs a transplant doesn't he?
Alex: Yeah.

Mark: What about my burns center?
Derek: You were right, excellent danish.

Derek: He brought us down here to make himself feel good.
Mark: At least he sprung for good danish.
Derek: Do you know how many nurses got fired for that danish?

Owen: Batter, batter, batter, batter.
Cristina: What are you trying...
Owen: You need to stop thinking about what's gonna happen, you need to focus on what is right in front of you. Now, hit the ball!
Cristina: Oh my god! Oh my god! I got it!
Lexie: Ok!
Cristina: I did it! I did it.
Meredith: Now you like baseball!
Derek: Oh here we go little Grey. Let's go.

Cristina: You know, I'm sorry. I'm leaving.
Owen: Woah.
Cristina: No.
Owen: Woah. You need this. Put this on. Ok.
Derek: There we go.
Cristina: No, I no!
Owen: Now, hit the ball.
Cristina: I don't wanna hit the ball. Oh my god!
Derek: Oh! Here we go, here we go.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
