Cristina: I'm sorry. I don't have time for games. I have to get back to the hospital.
Meredith: She's right, she does have to go back to the hospital.
Derek: We're not gonna talk about the hospital, we're here to play baseball.
Mark: And to drink beer. Drink your beer. What more do you want in life?
Lexie: I'm not gonna drink beer when all my friends just got fired.

Owen: Rough day.
Derek: Oh, I need some sleep.
Owen: Ok, lets go home.
Cristina: I can't. I just got kicked off of pead's. I'm totally screwed.
Owen: Cristina come on...
Cristina: No, I can't sleep. I can't.
Meredith: (Der kisses her head) I can't leave if she's not leaving.

Derek: Hey, hey.
Megan: So what did I do wrong?
Derek: Nothing.
Megan: ... So I can learn for next time.
Derek: You didn't do anything wrong. This is about the money.

Derek: Isobel Stevens spent 5 hours on her feet in surgery today. Not because she was ready to go back to work, but because she was scared. She's scared for her job and she was scared to show weakness. You don't have to talk to me, that's fine. But, you need to go out there and talk to your people. They need to hear from you.
Richard: Don't tell me about my people. I've been here for 30 years Derek. I know my people. I've spent every hour of the last 3 days saving every job that I could, but some tough choices had to be made. HR is sending out an email to the first round of people to be let go.
Derek: Richard.
Richard: Derek, I'm tired, I'm going home.

Derek: Ok, the bleeding's stopped. Let's close up. Stevens scrub out.
Izzie: No, I'm fine. I'm your resident, I've got it.
Derek: Someone else can close up. You've been on your feet for five hours, you look exhausted.
Izzie: I'm not, I'm fine.
Derek: You're dripping with sweat.
Izzie: Ok. You know what, just take my wig off. Just take it off. Take it off. Oh god, just pat down my head. Ok. Alright, just put the cap back on. Thank you. I'm fine.

Izzie: Thank you.
Derek: A little more suction.
(Alex knocks on window)
Alex: It's 2 o'clock Izzie!
Izzie: Oh my god.
Derek: Stevens no more fighting in my OR. Go deal with this.

Alex: I need to speak with Dr. Stevens please.
Izzie: Alex, I'm in surgery.
Alex: izzie.
Izzie: Alex, leave. Dr Shepherd, could you please tell Dr Karev to leave.
Derek: Karev.
Alex: She gets tired walking to the mail box. She can't handle another 5 hour surgery.
Izzie: I know what I can handle.
Alex: No one's gonna think any less of you if you walk out of her now. Just walk out now.
Derek: Steven's have this conversation outside.
Izzie: No, I'm not leaving. Alex!

Derek: Dr Stevens. I'm surprised to see you back so soon. You look great.
Izzie: Thank you. So do you.
Derek: How are you feeling?
Izzie: I feel great, how do you feel?
Derek: No, what I meant was...
Izzie: I know what you mean. I feel fine. I'm ready to work. Here is Mr Trinidad's latest pre op labs, I told him you'd stop in to say hello before the surgery. And, unless there's anything else you can think of that I need to know I was gonna run to get his consent forms.
Derek: That pretty much covers it. Unless anybody has any questions?
Steve: Is there anything you can tell us about the merger? Because, I'm having a baby. I mean, my wife is having a baby. I mean, resident Megan is having a baby. I mean, am I gonna lose my job?
Derek: Right now I'm concerned about my patient. You should be too.

Meredith: Hey.
Derek: Hey.
Meredith: How'd it go with the Chief?
Derek: Richard's not talking to me.
Meredith: What? Why?
Derek: I don't know. He's just... He's not himself.
Meredith: Well, what's he doing?
Derek: He's hiding out.
Meredith: Mmmm.
Derek: How are you holding up? Hmmm? (Kisses her) You've been up for like, what... 36 hours?
Meredith: 48. But, I'm good actually. I feel like it's all gonna be ok. Like we're all gonna keep our jobs, and we're all gonna be amazing people, and live amazing lives. (feels her forehead, Mer giggles) Unstable childhood.
Derek: (Smiles) Ah, yes.
Meredith: I get calm in a crisis. This is a crisis right?
Derek: I don't know. I don't know what this is.

Derek: We need to talk.
Richard: Look, I'm busy right now.
Derek: Are you making cuts?
Richard: I said I'm busy.
Derek: If you're making cuts in my department you need to consult with me.
Richard: When it's appropriate I'll consult the people I need to consult with.
Derek: People? I'm not people. I'm the guy that saved your ass. When Jennings came to me, you were done. Out of loyalty to you...
Richard: Loyalty? You came to me so you would seem like a good guy before you stole my job.
Derek: Are you making whole cuts or not?
Richard: Look, I said when I'm ready to tell my staff about decisions I will be making I will. When I'm ready. So, don't come barging in here like I owe you. I don't owe you a damn thing Derek. You work for me. I'm still the Chief of surgery at this hospital.
Derek: Then start acting like it!

Mark: You're tired, you're angry. You're gonna say something you'll regret. Get out of here for a while. Go to the driving range, get a bucket of balls.
Derek: I have a surgery in an hour.
Mark: So take a walk. Grab Meredith, take a walk.
Derek: Meredith won't leave the hospital. None of them will. Everybody's waiting a word from on high. Look, don't tell me Lexie's not worried.
Lexie: Is he in here, cause I've got the... ugh! [falls]
Mark: No, Lexie's worried.

Derek: Karev, what do you have?
Alex: 16 year old, dirt bike victim. GCS 15 reported before intubation.
Derek: Ok, on my count. Ready? 1...2...3.
Alex: I'm gonna scrub in.
Derek: So, he announces the merger, then he shuts himself in his office all day and refuses to talk to anybody.
Mark: This merger won't affect us. It's just a financial restructuring.
Derek: What do you think restructuring is? Cutting personnel. Are you prepared to lose all the good people? I'm not. Hey, tell Hunt he's good to go. I'll write up a consult later. I have to talk to Richard right now.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
