Dixon: You do not have your own bowling ball!
Navid: What? It was for my Bar Mitzvah.

Navid: We're getting married.
Dixon: Like married married?!?

Dixon: You have the worst taste in music.
Annie: Shut up! I am your Mango!

Annie: Your girlfriend faked a miscarriage. Sounds like a real winner.
Dixon: Go to Hell.

I'm here. And I'm gonna help you get help.

Dixon: This is a pretty disturbing moment between us, isn't it?
Annie: Let's never speak of it.

My own dad is [cock] blocking me.

Harry: I know you're upset with your mom.
Dixon: Whatever. It's not like she's my real mom.

Debbie: I didn't want you to get your heart broken and not trust women.
Dixon: Now I know one woman I can't trust.

Navid: I'm a tater tot man myself.
Dixon: Dude, you can't say "tater tot" and "man" in the same sentence.

I'm supposed to go on with my life like nothing happened?

Dixon: This whole relationship can't take place in your apartment.
Sasha: I would go to your place, but you live with your parents. And I'm not sneaking in your apartment, Kate Homes-style.


I saw him kissing that barefoot surfer chick. Apparently, he likes the smell of BO.


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