Wilson: You're forging my name on prescriptions again.
House: No. Because what you just said implied I stopped.

Dr. Wilson: You're an ass.
House: What, for trying to walk on a freshly mangled leg? Performing surgery on myself? For thinking I could solve my emotional problems with rat medicine? If you're gonna nag, at least have the decency to be specific.

Dr. Cuddy: Other doctors actually use their offices for crazy stuff like seeing patients. Not throwing a ball against the wall and calling it work.
Dr. Wilson: It's his process. That ball saves lives.

House, on a list of your attributes, there's nothing that even rhymes with coy.

Sam: When did you get all OCD?
Wilson: I just want clean dishes and cold milk so we can all stay healthy.

Dr. Wilson: I was telling a 39-year-old woman that she has breast cancer.
House: No, you weren't.
Dr. Wilson: How do you know?
House: Because if you were, you'd need to see the pain in her eyes so she could see the concern in yours.

I can understand your confusion. I ate a baby for lunch today.

Wilson: You are a horrible person.
House: All I need is to break up one marriage. You broke up three of your own. You're like the Stephen Hawking of killing relationships.

I've taken a meaningful vow to lead a less meaningful life.

How hard are you trying not to make a ball joke right now?

House: I'll have whatever he's buying.
Dr. Wilson: Two cheeseburgers and two large fries.

Our entire relationship is about you. My dying is about me!

House Quotes

Dr. Cameron: House doesn't believe in pretense. Figures life's too short and too painful. So he just says that he thinks.
Dr. Foreman: "I say what I think" is just another way of saying "I'm an assho"...

(about House) The son of a bitch is the best doctor we have.

Dr. Cuddy