Maura: He's a remarkable sous chef.
Tommy: I didn't even know what that meant until this afternoon.

Jane: What is it with the English and their ridiculous hats?
Maura: The Anglican church made women cover their heads.
Jane: With a pink migrating goose.

Jane: I hate it when you correct me.
Maura: I hate it when you forget about Mr. Adverb.

You're not even ready for the commitment of calling him by his first name.

If Paddy wanted Dean dead, he'd be dead.

At least I don't play judge and jury and kill people.

Maura: This microphone doesn't make me look like I have three breasts does it?
Jane: Hey, some guys are into that.

Even you look a little chunky in a flak jacket.

You do not guess, leap to concussion, speculate, theorize, wonder or tell me about your gut. Am I clear?

Maura: What a powerful piece of street art.
Jane: What a powerful example of felony vandalism.

I hate working on live people. What if I kill him again?

Maura: You still have pain?
Jane: No, I just like saying ow.