Black people, I know I've said a lot of terrible things about you in print, but I come here today on a mission of peace.

Liz, I need to speak with you. Beat it, Grizz or Dot com.

It's going to be a disaster! Like Katrina! Do you remember Katrina, that crazy girl from hair and make-up?

Who cares if Kenneth is bitter? He's an underhuman.

There are no rules. It's like check-in at an Italian sex party.

I once took a low-volume shower with Ed Begley, Jr. What else can I do?

Drama is gay man Gatorade. It replenishes their electrolytes.

I probably shouldn't tell you this, but I've always wondered why you guys just don't take the door off its hinges.

Jenna: [on fake-dating James] Do you believe they came to me before Aida from Real World: Cancun?

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They're calling us 'James,' which is a combination of 'Jenna' and 'James.'

You don't know that thing I'm sleeping in isn't working.

Liz: How you doin'?
Jenna: There is no way that I am working with that guy. Do you know that he once got arrested for walking naked through LaGuardia?
Liz: Yeah.
Jenna: And that he once fell asleep on Ted Danson's roof?
Liz: Yeah, Tracy has mental health issues.
Jenna: He bit Dakota Fanning on the face.
Liz: When you hear his version, she was kinda askin' for it.