Castle: Our killer is a ninja.
Beckett: Or he is just an athletic person with a hooded track suit.

Castle: See what happens when I leave you alone.
Beckett: Babe, I wasn't alone. When they were interrogating me, the only thing that kept me going was thinking about you. About our future, the wedding. You were with me the whole time.

I need you to know that our partnership, our relationship is the greatest thing that has ever happened to me. You are an amazing man and I love you with all of my heart. Always.

Capt. Fowler if you can hear me this is seriously interfering with my dinner plans.

Because it's clear to me that what we both need is a really good font.

If I have to hear that confession one more time, I'm going to shoot somebody.

Dwight: I need to confess.
Beckett: Yeah, take a number.

Castle: You should know it, you're engaged to a genius.
Beckett: Yes, a genius at annoying me.

I think we all just kickstarted our day.

Castle: Do I smell coffee?
Beckett: If you do, it was made by elves.

Castle: To the things we missed.
Beckett: And to those we didn't.

Beckett: I'm not choosing our song off of a list that includes Def Leppard's "Pour Some Sugar on Me"
Castle: That song, I'm sure ignited many a strip club romance back in 1987.

Castle Quotes

I need time to stop being mad and you need time to figure out a way to be OK with this.


I tried to stay in the car I really did.
