You just enjoy your coffee, sir, while I tell you a funny story about my neighbor's cat. His name is Mr. Wiggles, and his cat's name is Benson.

It's so romantic, like that movie I only saw the first few moments of, Fatal Attraction.

That's wonderful. Even if he does come from a country that's nothing more than the dried husk America came out of.

All these books, sir! It's like I'm back at school, learning about the dangers of book-readin.

My cousin in Atlanta is a business model. She holds up staplers in catalogs.

Oh, Mr. Hornberger, always saying hate when he means love.

Oh, the fiddle's in the creek and the frog's in the kitchen — I apologize ma'am that is not a song, you make me very nervous.

Kenneth: And it's real Oscar bait sir. You say things like 'You don't know my pain!' 'You watch your mouth, Tyrese!,' and in a less dramatic scene: 'I'll have hash browns.'

This is my dream come true! And to hear it from my best friend comma Bald category.

And he'll understand because he's my best friend comma beautiful hair category parentheses strong.

Let's meet up later and smoke some drug cigarettes!

[on L.A.] Everyone there smiles creepily, all the time. And that's sort of my thing.