Suzanne Somers says that skipping breakfast is suicide.

I make my living singing girl songs.

Rachel: This is the biggest, biggest moment of our lives here. We cannot be taking risks.
Kurt: Isn't this the exact moment to be taking a risk?

Kurt Hummel's back at McKinley!

I don't believe in denying who you are, but I don't believe in outing either.

You are a diva. And you have been a nightmare. But you're not a diva because you're a nightmare. You're a diva because you're talented, and ambitious, and because no one else in the world can do what you, Rachel Berry, can do. That's what being a diva's all about. Being an original. One of a kind. So hold the nightmare, but bring the diva.

We just sat there with our faces buried in our complimentary issues of SkyMall.

Kurt: I'm gonna lose unless I pull a JFK.
Rachel: You're gonna shoot Brittany?!?

Blaine: This is just bros helping bros.
Kurt: I love it when you talk fratty.

Kurt: What a wonderful, wonderful week.
Blaine: And with you in it, a wonderful life.

Blaine: I don't want to see you go, but I can't stand to see you stay here. It's killing you, and that's killing me.
Kurt: What about us?
Blaine: In a year, I'll be there too. But right now is your time. You're ready.

Kurt: I can't do it without a costume or props!
Rachel: You don't need any of that stuff!
Kurt: Yes, I do. You know that I'm at my best when I've got my careful assortment of bells and whistles, like steel scaffolding or my gold lame' pants.

Glee Quotes

I've got a full ride to a little school called the University of California in Los Angeles. Maybe you've heard of it. It's in Los Angeles.


She may be difficult, but boy can she sing. Bravo!
