Archer: Please don't slash the painting, it's...priceless!
Lana: But worthless if you damage it. But even though it's very delicate, it can withstand a surprising amount of shit.

Archer: Wait - is that an extremely ill-phrased analogy about my penis?
Lana: Yes, Archer, it is, because everything, everywhere, everywhen is about the paragon of adequacy that is your dick.

Cyril's just the Vader to your Palpatine.

We all enjoyed this break from him, but Cyril, if you tell him I said this I'll break your freakin' arms, but it's, ugh, Archer Time.

Sterling Archer, I'd like you to meet your daughter, Abigene.

Conway Stern: Well, you're looking good, girl. A lot curvier than I remember.
Lana: Well, I had a baby
Conway Stern: Sorry. Never mind
Lana: Never mind what?
Conway Stern: Like name it?

Archer: I'm talking about us flying on the same plane, Lana. What if it crashed?
Lana: Then I wouldn't have to had to watch you pound 20 drinks and talk the stewardess into a hand job?

Lana: And what operation is the CIA conducting in Argentina
Slater: Sorry. It's operation nunya---
Lana: I---
Archer: As in beeswax, Lana. (mimicks a PA system) Dr. Kane, report to the burn unit.

Lana: So how did you get the name Crash?
Crash: Oh it's a long story about me saving the lives of 8 other climbers right after an avalance
Lana and Ray (in unison): Sploosh

  • Permalink: Sploosh
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Lana: [to Archer] So will your feelings be super hurt if I bang him?
Ray: [from off-screen] Yes!!

  • Permalink: Yes!!
  • Recent Views: 0

Krieger: That's what they said about Tesla's deathray! So this favor. Lana...wait Lana, what's this favor?!
Lana: (as she's running away) Just promise to use your powers for good.
Krieger: Hahahah, no

Lana: I'm going upstate for seer school
Cheryl: So take her with you!
Lana: To SURVIVAL school
Cherl: Big whoop. Hang her in a bear bag

Archer Quotes

KGB (Crenshaw): This may be old cliche, but... we have ways of making you talk.
Archer: What, your little go-kart battery?
KGB (Crenshaw): Golf cart.
Archer: Whatever. Would you pick an accent and stick with it?

It's like my brain's a tree and you're those little cookie elves.
