Luke: Thanks for the hat.
Lorelai: You're welcome. It looks good on you.
Luke: Good how?
Lorelai: Just watch the procession.

Rory: Where's Mom?
Luke: Looking for coffee.
Rory: What are you doing?
Luke: Staring at my shoes.
Rory: Okay, carry on.

Luke: Your mother called me an idiot.
Lorelai: Wow, you must have sucked up good.

Rory: So she stopped cleaning it's cage. Instead everyday she would stuff some Kleenex in there.
Luke: You didn't?
Lorelai: It was the quilted kind.
Rory: So. this keeps going on and the cage is just a cage full of Kleenex that moves a little, and the smell? Really good.
Luke: I can imagine.
Lorelai: Oh. no you can't.

Rory: Every time Mom stuck her finger in his cage, he'd bite her.
Lorelai: And laugh.
Luke: Hamsters can't laugh.
Lorelai: Oh, this one laughed - trust me.

Luke: Hey.
Lorelai: Hey.
Luke: I haven't seen you since the other night. Everything turn out ok?
Lorelai: Oh yeah, fine. The dating world of 16 year olds. Very exciting stuff.
Luke: I bet. Oh, uh coffee?
Lorelai: Do you have to ask?
(Luke pours her coffee)
Lorelai: You know, I had a good time the other night, with the cards.
Luke: Oh yeah, yeah. Me too.
Lorelai: Good.
Luke: Yeah, if fact you rushed out of here before I had a chance to...
Lorelai: A chance to...?
Luke: Kick your ass in poker.
Lorelai: (taken aback) You wish.
Luke: Burger?
Lorelai: Two and fries.
Luke: Maybe we could do it again sometime.
Lorelai: Oh yeah, well, I... I would like that.

Luke: Okay. Fine. (pulls out a deck of cards) 5-card draw.
Lorelai: Oh! You're on.
(Luke deals as Lorelai watches intently)
Lorelai: Mm-hm. Mm-hm (looks at her cards) Uh...huh. Give me four. (looks at her new cards) Aah, no four more.
Luke: You can't have four more, those are the four I dealt you.
Lorelai: Well these don't help me and I have vowed to discard anything negative in my life - first Rune and now these four cards.
Luke: Whatever you say. (gives her another 4 cards)
Lorelai: Ooh, much better, thank you.
Luke: Rune knew when to run away.

Lorelai: (from the kitchen) Ah! There's a man in my kitchen, somebody call the constable.
Luke: (coming into the living room. Lorelai following) Your mom's a fruit cake.
Lorelai: Fruit cakes by the door please.
Luke: Good bye Rory, I wish you luck - (looks at Lorelai) with everything.
Rory: I appreciate that.

Luke: What the hell do you think you're wearing?
Lorelai: Uh, a hat.
Luke: Take that off.
Lorelai: What?
Luke: Now that is not yours, take it off.
Lorelai: But I'll have hat hair!

(Lorelai is trying to convince Luke to paint the diner)
Lorelai: Come on. We'll drink a couple beers, we'll sing painting songs!
Luke: Painting songs?
Lorelai: Yeah, painting songs like, um, you know, the song that goes:
Grab your brush and grab your rollers, all you kids and all you bowlers - We're going paintin' today!
Say yes or there's another verse!
Luke: Well, I guess maybe if I had help.
Taylor: Really? Oh my God! That's wonderful! Hurrah!
Luke: Taylor, it's not for you, it's for me.
Taylor: I can't wait to tell the rest of the committee, they're not going to believe this!
Luke: I hate that he's pleased.
Lorelai: Ahh, you'll drop a gum wrapper on the street in front of his store later.
Luke: Yeah, good idea!

Lorelai: Ok, how about this? I'll help you. I love to paint.
Luke: You do?
Lorelai: Yes, I do.
Luke: You love it?
Lorelai: I want to marry it.
Luke: You have strange passions.
Rory: She likes washing dishes too. She's multi-faceted abnormal.

Lorelai: (speaking to Luke) Wow, you look nice. Really nice.
Luke: I had a meeting earlier at the bank. They like collars. You look nice, too.
Lorelai: I had a flagellation to go to.
Luke: So, what'll you have?
Lorelai: Coffee, in a vat.
Rory: I'll have coffee also. And chili fries.
Luke: That's quite a refined palate you got there.
(Luke walks to the counter)
Lorelai: (to Rory) Behold the healing powers of a bath.

Gilmore Girls Quotes

(about the pants she's bought for Luke) I don't know what this fabric is, but I think I want to have its baby.


(to Rory) You can use your mother's old golf clubs. They're upstairs gathering dust along with the rest of her potential.
