(Luke is trying on clothes Lorelai bought him)
Luke: I hate you, very much!
Lorelai: Aww, save the sweet talk for Rachel.

Lorelai: (about Dean) I warned him. I warned him when I first met him, if he hurt her...Ah. Maybe I could key his car.
Luke: Better yet. Key Taylor's car and tell him Dean did it.

Lorelai: (Talking about what she has just found in Luke's shopping bag) Pot holders. Little kitty pot holders. (Pulls the tail) They meow.
Luke: It's a present.
Lorelai: For someone you hate?

Rory: Okay, guy number 3 is crossing the street right now.
Luke: Why am I looking?
Lorelai: Because it's like a train wreck.
Lorelai Aww, no!
Rory: Daddy!
Lorelai: Not Kirk!
Rory: Maybe he'll buy me a pony.
Lorelai: I wanna go back to the old guy.
(Kirk walks in the diner and Luke walks over to him)
Luke: Congratulations man.
Kirk: Uh, thank you.
(Lorelai and Rory start giggling)
Kirk: What?
Lorelai: Nothing
Kirk: Okay, did somebody put the kick me sign on my back again? It wasn't funny last week and it's not funny now! I have asthma.(He leaves the diner)
Rory: Mom, quick he's leaving!
Lorelai: Oh no, Kirk come back, I lo-o-o-ove you! Drat. All right, your turn.
Rory: I don't know Mom. You already got Kirk, how's a girl to top that.

Lorelai: (trying to persuade Luke to try on a jacket) C'mon, just the jacket. Just once be too sexy for your shirt and do a little dance on the catwalk.
(Luke walks into the back of the diner while Lorelai chases him with the suit)
Luke: Get away from me you mental patient!

(Rachel picks up her luggage and walks out from behind the counter after Luke returns from the town meeting.)
Luke: (With a look of recognition) So you're leaving huh?
Rachel: (Resignedly) Yeah.
Luke: Were you even gonna tell me?
Rachel: I was waiting for you to get back so I could say goodbye.
Luke: (Starting to get annoyed) Yeah, you at least always do that. So go.
Rachel: (With a pleading expression) Don't you even want to know why?
Luke: I know why.
Rachel: I don't think you do.
Luke: It's just like all the other times Rachel. You're the anywhere but here girl, you're restless, you're bored, it is what it is.
Rachel: That's not it.
Luke: Then what is it? Is there another guy?
Rachel: No.
Luke: Then what?
Rachel: It's another girl.
Luke: (Spluttering in confusion) What? You're telling me...
Rachel: The other girl isn't for me Luke, it's for you.
Luke: (In a disbelieving tone) Okay. Now that's crazy.
Rachel: Yeah?
Luke: Yeah.
Rachel: No.
Luke: You feel you need a different excuse this time to mix things up a little, fine. But you are not leaving because of me.
Rachel: I'm sure you tried Luke. But admit it, you're heart wasn't in it.
Luke: (Defensively) My heart was in it. I was here, I didn't leave. . . .(Confused) I don't get this.
Rachel: (Interjecting) Luke.
Luke: And what are you talking about, another girl? What other girl?
(Rachel stares at him meaningfully) Luke: (Finally realizing she means Lorelai) Oh Rachel, no, you don't mean. . . She and I are just friends. I told you that a thousand times.
Rachel: (Not letting him get away with denying it) No. You told it to me once. And you could barely get it out then.
Luke: (In a terribly unconvincing tone) Okay, this is crazy. You've got it wrong here. It's not. . .She and I are. . .uh. . .
Rachel: (Satisfied that she's finally adequately explained everything to Luke) I'm gonna go. I'll miss you. (she hugs him goodbye) Stay in touch.
Luke: (Pleading in a last ditch effort) Rachel, come on.
(Rachel walks to the door and stops. She turns around to look at Luke.)
Rachel: So don't wait too long okay?
Luke: To what?
Rachel: (Meaningfully) To tell her. (Rachel turns away and walks out of the diner leaving Luke staring into space alone.)

(Luke broke into Lorelai's house)
Luke: It's the kind of lock burglars go for.
Lorelai: How do you know?
Luke: It's easy to break. I proved that.
Lorelai: You proved that by...
Luke: Breaking in through the back door.

Luke: I forgot my toolbox, so I just thought I'd come pick it up.
Lorelai: Oh, yeah. It's right over here. Rory and I couldn't lift it or we would've brought it to you, and then we got used to having it here, so we named it Bert, and we'd say, "Good night, Bert," and it'd say, "Good night girls," and--we spend too much time home alone.

Luke: Yeah, I'm gonna get going. I just left my toolbox from when I was here earlier fixing things. I do a lot of little things around here for Lorelai.
Lorelai: Yeah, you're very handy. So Luke, we'll talk later.
Luke: Yes we will.
Max: Although probably not tonight. We won't be back until late.
Lorelai: No, I meant not tonight.
Max: Oh, I misunderstood.
Lorelai: I meant tomorrow. So tomorrow.
Luke: Absolutely. We see each other most everyday.
Max: Well sure, you've got the coffee.
Luke: And she needs the coffee. So I'll see you tomorrow.
Lorelai: Tomorrow.
Luke: Same time as always.
Max: I'd count on a little later.
Luke: Doesn't matter what time it is. I'll always be around.

Crazy people. The whole town should be medicated and put in a rec room with ping-pong tables and hand puppets.

</i> Luke

Luke: But who knows how long you'll work after you're married.
Lorelai: Excuse me?
Luke: But you probably already talked about that, right?
Lorelai: No, but I do think he and my father have come to an agreement on how many goats I'm worth.

Lorelai: (speaking to Luke) Wow, you look nice. Really nice.
Luke: I had a meeting earlier at the bank. They like collars. You look nice, too.
Lorelai: I had a flagellation to go to.
Luke: So, what'll you have?
Lorelai: Coffee, in a vat.
Rory: I'll have coffee also. And chili fries.
Luke: That's quite a refined palate you got there.
(Luke walks to the counter)
Lorelai: (to Rory) Behold the healing powers of a bath.

Gilmore Girls Quotes

(about the pants she's bought for Luke) I don't know what this fabric is, but I think I want to have its baby.


(to Rory) You can use your mother's old golf clubs. They're upstairs gathering dust along with the rest of her potential.
