you're starting to look like two fat girls hugging

You've taken a lover [holds up Lindt chocolate] and that lover has a cream center!

Guess who just showered a mere seven inches away from mr. Emilio Estevez at the gym this morning? I'm telling you steam, a little soap in the eyes..St Elmo's still on fire.

[After getting his job back Marc hugs Wilhelmina from behind...]
Wilhelmina: You did not just hug me
Marc: Of course I didn't

... a little glitch, teeny, tiny, Cindy Crawford mole sized problem

Inhale Ricky Martin, exhale Colin Farrell

Marc: What took you so long?
Amanda: I had to wait for Christina to go to the bathroom. That woman retains water like a two humped camel.

Amanda: Shh. We'll get caught.
Marc: Please, if anybody hears us, they'll just think it's Christina stumbling around blind drunk, crying and making out with a mannequin.
Amanda: Again.

Open your eyes people. He's as straight as the crease on an old man's jeans

Amanda: He's not gay!
Marc: OMG. He's pretending to be gay? Well that's a new twist on an old standard.

Marc: You're in love with a gay man. It's like you and me all over again.
Amanda: I was never in love with you.
Marc: Oh, are you kidding? When we first met you couldn't keep your eyes off of me.
Amanda: Okay, that was before you got your veneers. You had that dark tooth, I couldn't look away.
Marc: Big Head!
Amanda: Dark Tooth!
Marc: Nicole Bitchie!
Amanda: Nelly Ripa!

Marc: He's mean gay
Amanda: So what? You're a mean gay too
Marc: Yes, but not to you
Amanda: Um yesterday you told me my head was too big for my neck
Marc: That's was constructive criticism..
Amanda: What am I supposed to do about it
Marc: As a friend, my job is only to point things out

Ugly Betty Quotes

You know exactly what [Whilemnia] is up to. Firing, scheming, looking for a puppy to kick.


Betty: Does every spread have to be women in skimpy bras?
Daniel: You're right, I haven't thought of that. Let's lose those bras please.