Betty: Hey Marc
Marc: Marc isn't in right now, but if you leave your name and number he'll never speak to you again you odious sea cow, Betty

Betty: Marc, you're a gay man in the fashion industry you have plenty of advantages
Marc: That gets me nothing
Random Gay: Madonna, tickets, backstage passes
Marc: Thanks bitch!

Marc: You help them meet their quota
Betty: What are you talking about?
Marc: They picked you, Betty Suarez of Queens, because you're Latina... you're the token ethnic girl
Betty: What? They picked me... That doesn't even... Wow, Marc, you have said some really ugly things to me in the past but the is by far and away the ugliest

Wilhelmina: It's always good to have a plan B
Marc: Or a plan 34C, ha ha

Wilhelmina [referring to Connor]: He's ambitious, he's shrewd, he's competitive, he's hot, he's me
Marc: He's the Male-amina

Wilhelmina: We'll have to do brunch
Molly: Really?
[back in Wilhelmina's office...]
Wilhelmina: I'd rather gouge my eyes out
Marc: I'll shoot you in the heart before I let you brunch with her

Betty: I can't believe you're getting married, if i was getting married I'd never stop talking about my wedding
Marc: And we'd all kill ourselves in six different ways

We're very different people, but we're in the same position so sometimes we have to look after each other

Amanda: These stilettos were not meant for walking
Betty: Fine, I'll go by myself
Amanda: Can you get me some beef jerky?

Marc: What'd I do?
Amanda: You crashed cliff's car
Marc: Is he ever gonna be able to trust me again?
Amanda: Can't you get it fixed? It's just a car and it's an ugly car too. You did him a favor

You're gonna give yourself worry lines, not that anyone could see them under that canopy of bangs

You think if you get the news to Daniel you'll come up smelling like a she-ro

Ugly Betty Quotes

You know exactly what [Whilemnia] is up to. Firing, scheming, looking for a puppy to kick.


Betty: Does every spread have to be women in skimpy bras?
Daniel: You're right, I haven't thought of that. Let's lose those bras please.