Marc: What year were you born?
Amanda: 1991.
Marc: You're 16?
Amanda: 1992.
Marc: Other way.

My god that woman will do anything for an open bar

Marc [whispers to Wilhelmina]: Michael Bolton, not the good one
Wilhelmina: Oh hi, nice to meet you
Marc [whispers to Wilhelmina]: Bradford Meade, you're engaged to him

You gotta work for your celebrity, does Paris Hilton just get everything handed to her? Oh wait, that celubtard works hard to stay in the news

Amanda: Grubstank...
Henry: It's grubstick. Grubstick. Got it? It's one of the oldest and most honored names in Dutch history, which loosely translated to he who gives the fairest price for his bricks. The name is venerated and I am proud to be a Grubstick
Amanda: Did he just get really hot?
Marc: I've never been more attracted to anyone in my life

Amanda: I'm actually kinda bummed that Mr Meade isn't my father, he is rich and bald
Marc: Your Daddy Warbucks fantasy
Amanda: I don't know why it's so strong

Amanda: Okay Halston, I'm sure some one will adopt you
Ugly Lady at Pound: I dunno that is one ugly dog
Mrc: Pot, kettle, black

Amanda [referring to her dog Halston]: Suddenly I'm a caregiver. That is so not who I am.
Marc: It's true. You're a bit of a monster on the inside.

Amanda [referring to Fey]: I just stare at her picture all day and then I stare at myself in the mirror
Marc: More than usual?
Amanda: Yeah
Marc: Oh
Amanda: I just wish I got to know her better
Marc: Yeah and I wish I got to know Marlon Brando before he got fat

Never send a girl to do a woman's job

Marc: So this is where you grew up?
Amanda: This is it, the house of lies. Mother!? If that is your real name!

Wilhelmina: This magazine will never be mine. Claire owns Mode and she'll never give it up
Marc: Who cares? In a week you'll be marrying old man liver spots and all the rest of Meade publications will be yours

Ugly Betty Quotes

You know exactly what [Whilemnia] is up to. Firing, scheming, looking for a puppy to kick.


Betty: Does every spread have to be women in skimpy bras?
Daniel: You're right, I haven't thought of that. Let's lose those bras please.