Megan: ...she was gonna have sex with Bobby Gardner
Marco: the gardener?
Megan: We didn't have a lawn, much less someone to keep it neat

Megan: Who told you I was dating someone?
Will: Marco, the original gossip girl.

Charlie: She bought porn? Who buys porn anymore? It's all free on the internet
Megan: Cost is not the issue here

Megan: Which one do you prefer? And i'd like to remind you, I am a very vulnerable girl who's about to go on her first sex date in two years so mocking would be in very poor taste
Marco: Way to knock the wind out of a girl's sails

Megan: And if I say all guys like big boobs you'd say?
Jacob: Not me, I hate them.

Rose: I needed a specific kind of porn... Can we go back to chemisrtry?
Megan: Why do you need a specific kind of porn? Why do you need any kind of porn. Why is porn a need? Why can't I stop saying porn?

[quizzing on Chemistry]
Megan: What is lithium?
Rose: An anti-depressant?
Megan: I was going with alkali metal...

Marco: Man at the front door carries a surfboard as an accessory. Has a smile that can light up my Christmas tree through February.
Megan: Charlie!
Marco: Ahh Charles. bachelor number three, a fine specimen
Megan: I'm not dating him
Marco: I hate you

Megan: You can't not try because you're afraid your gonna fail... that'd be like not wanting to go on a date because your afraid all guys will cheat on you... that'd be like not writing because your afraid your not gonna get published anyways
Rose: Are we talking about Sex and the City now? Because I loved that movie..

Megan: the whole tutor and headmaster feels like a whole Andrew McCarthy movie gone to DVD.

Megan: You can have my work number
Mr Cassidy: That's just your cell phone number right?
Megan: I'm an independent contractor

Megan: Being in the principal's office kinda makes you feel like a kid a again. You probably are a kid. Bad kid if your sitting here. I was a good kid. Not that I'm judging you. Just saying. Hugs, not drugs.
Receptionist: Mr. Cassidy will see you now.
Megan [to kid]: I'll put in a good word for you

Privileged Quotes

Boss [about Megan's hair]: It's just so bright
Megan: Everyone loves Lucille Ball but no one does anything about it.
Boss: This isn't about the hair, though it is really distracting...

Hey lady, i can see your va-jay-jay!

Random kid