Sage: If she has to laurel will buy you in to duke just like Parker's dad bought him into brown.
Megan: Hello? If that's the case what am I doing here?
Sage: Good point, don't forget to write

Charles: thereapized?
Megan: It's a new verb I'm working on. Of or related to having too much therapy. It's going to be in the book

I just came to my senses and remembered she's a boyfriend-stealing trampy tramp

Megan: I had to go on a date just so people wouldn't think I was a lesbian..
Marco: I could see that...
Megan: I know I would make such a great lesbian.. but sadly I'm straight

Marco: Go on just pretend like we're not even here
Megan: I'm not talking to myself. I'm just practicing a conversation I'm going to have with a real person a later date. Totally different.

Exactly, what else is new? Uh nothing You're still a trampy little tramperstein and I'm still an idiot for being nice to you

What's the oracle? Other than a scary lady from the Matrix? Best movie ever am I right?

Megan: Aren't you coming with me?
Marco: Oh yes, I just love unnecessary encounters with law enforcement officers... you're on your own sledge sister..

Laurel: It's nice to see you on top of things...
Megan: I like to be on top.... of things... in work situations

Megan: I can't believe sage would invite [Lily] to this
Charlie: Really? I can and I don't even know that her well

Megan: It's like they don't even appreciate all the knowledge bombs I'm dropping on them
Charlie: Maybe that's because you're calling them knowledge bombs

God is not a republican... he's not a democrat... I don't think he's affiliated with any politcal party... is this vodka?

Privileged Quotes

Boss [about Megan's hair]: It's just so bright
Megan: Everyone loves Lucille Ball but no one does anything about it.
Boss: This isn't about the hair, though it is really distracting...

Hey lady, i can see your va-jay-jay!

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