Callie: Oh, I'm sorry. I was just looking for Bailey. It's after 6.
Bailey: Yes, she scheduled an intervention so that we could give O'Malley a piece of our minds about this idiotic army business. Did he leave already?
Richard: He never scrubbed in. He told me he was enlisting. I sent him home, and told him to spend the day with his Mom since he was leaving so soon. He took off this morning.

Bailey: If there's still a spot open for me on general surgery, I'd like to take you up on that.
Richard: I spent months trying to talk you off peade's. I finally get on board and you change your mind?
Bailey: Tucker gave me an ultimatum. The fellowship, or our marriage.
Richard: You chose your marriage.
Bailey: No, I'm leaving him. 'Cause a marriage that results to ultimatums, it's not a marriage. I mean, what kind of husband does that? So, I'm going to be a single mom. It's not the time for new specialties. (starts to cry) Damn. I'm sorry. I don't know, it's just the first time I've said it out loud. So it kind of just took the wind out of me.
Richard: Miranda, are you sure about this? I mean, he might come around. He's just scared.
Bailey: Well, we're all scared! I mean, if you're not scared you're not paying attention! One of my residents just signed up to go to war. That's scary. Another one just almost lost her life to melanoma, now she doesn't know what day it is. That's scary! What Tucker's facing isn't scary! He's just weak! A pat on the back isn't gonna help Sir.
Richard: Ok. Should I go?
Bailey: No.
Richard: Ok. Ok. Ok. I'l just stand here with you, if that's alright.
Bailey: Yes Sir. That would be fine.

Bailey: Ah, not a good time.
Arizona: You know what, you walk away from me again I swear I will grab you by the hair and pull hard. I grew up with the name Arizona, I learned how to play dirty in the playground. I stuck my neck out for you, you were my pick.
Bailey: And I appreciate that, but it's a big decision.
Arizona: It's not, frankly. It's the brass ring. It's the most exclusive, the most competitive and we're as good as it gets. Nobody lands this thing and says no.
Bailey: My husband informed me that if I accept the peds fellowship, if I sign on for another 2 years of training, and the hours and the work load that come with it when I could be a general surgery attending, and make it home for dinner. He will divorce me. It's a big decision.

Cristina: Are you gonna chew?
Meredith: Mmmm... my dragged under the bus guy's in angio. They're gonna page me any minute. How's Izzie? Is she retaining anything?
Alex: No.
Bailey: Ok, at 6pm your idiotic colleague George O'Malley will finish his surgery with the Chief.
Callie: And, at 6pm you will be standing beside us in the OR hallway, prepared to join in an intervention.
Bailey: What polite company might like to call an intervention. Though, I'm not sure interventions involve whooping people on the behind. With a belt.
Alex: What, he's got a drinking problem now?
Meredith: He joined the army.
Cristina: What?
Alex: 007? He can't go to the army. He's the guy that gets killed.
Cristina: He's the guy that gets killed cleaning his own gun
Bailey: Grey, is going to coax him back as a loving friend. (to Cristina) You are going to use logic, and reason to point out the idiocy of his ways. Stevens will make sad cancer eyes. And, if all of that doesn't work, Karev, you're gonna pull out your... I was raised out back with the trash cans roots, and just beat the crap out of him.
Alex: 6 o'clock.
Callie: 6'o'clock.

Arizona: Maybe we're bouncier in ped's, than in general surgery. But I thought there would be a yay! Or some jumping around. 'Cause you look pretty dower for someone whose about to start a highly prized fellowship. You are about to start a highly prized fellowship right?
Callie: Hey, I've got a plan to stop George, you in?
Arizona: Stop George from what?
Bailey: Ah, he joined the army. Yes. I'm in.
Arizona: Bailey, I'm talking to you! Why are you trying to stop him?
Callie: Because he joined the army.
Arizona: And?
Callie: And, because he's my ex husband, and I know his mom and I love his mom. And, normally Izzie would talk sense into him but, she's got cancer, and kind of a bad mental deficit. So, it's on me to stop him.
Arizona: Why would you wanna stop him?
Callie: Because he joined the army. Don't you think that's a problem?
Arizona: I think that's awesome.
Callie: Awesome?

George: Dr. Bailey, I need to tell you something.
Bailey: Not now O'Malley.
George: No, it'll be quick 'cause I gotta get to the OR to scrub in with the Chief. I think you're gonna be mad at first, but I'm about to do something important. And, I'm very sure about this decision. And, I think eventually you're gonna be proud. But you know, before that you're probably gonna be like "What did you do!" I'm... I don't mean to imitate you.
Bailey: You call that quick?
George: I joined the Army to be a trauma surgeon, I report for duty tomorrow.
George: Yeah, thats where I thought we'd start.

Bailey: Any changes overnight?
Cristina: No.
Bailey: (pager goes off) Somebody had better go make a coffee run, you all look like hell.
George: I've gotta be in surgery in 10 minutes. Um, Mer, will you let me know?
Meredith: Yeah. We should go too. It's probably gonna be a while.
Alex: Shepherd said she'd wake up in the morning. What did he tell you? Was that all crap? What did he say?
Meredith: He said it may be a while.
Cristina: She's gonna wake up.

Bailey: You ok?
Callie: I cut off a healthy leg. I just cut it off. It was for the patients own good, but still, I feel like a butcher.
Swinder: My miracle case is on life support. I thought I had one. One miracle. I hate this job sometimes.
Callie: I don't know why we do this.
Bailey: Come on, come with me.
Callie: Ok, what are we doing here?
Bailey: We came to see that (they look at Arizona's patient that got better)
Swinder: What?
Bailey: The joy. It comes around rarely, so rarely we forget it can happen. But that, that's why we do this. The joy.

Richard: Dr. Robbins. Dr. Bailey performed Seattle Grace's first single incision gall bladder removal.
Arizona: Oh wow! Cool.
Richard: Through the patient's belly button.
Arizona: And now it's kind of creepy.
Bailey: No no, you should have seen it. No scars, no bleeding, in about half the time it would have taken laparoscopically.
Richard: You wanna do one after lunch? I've got another colie.
Bailey: You don't mind?
Arizona: Oh so, I guess I'm on my own for this afternoon. My neuroblastoma. No no no no, don't worry. You don't have to. You'll have the rest of your life to do neuroblastoma's.
Bailey: Well then I'll see you after lunch Sir.
Richard: Ok.

Richard: Who is Santa Claus?
Bailey: An old white man, who lives at the north pole, and enters peoples homes inappropriately.
Richard: No. I'm Santa Claus.
Richard: Oh yes I did. The Da Vinncci SIHD surgical assistant.
Bailey: Tell me you didn't wait till I'd all but left the general surgery program to buy us a Da Vinncci!
Richard: Care to take it out for a spin?
Bailey: Santa!

Izzie: My shoes are, ah, in the closet there. Bailey?
Bailey: Um, shoes, right.
Izzie: You're supposed to be helping me get ready. I can still go right? I mean, the tumors not going anywhere. So...
Bailey: Yeah... you can go.
Izzie: Ok, well... we don't wanna be late. Bailey!
Bailey: Ah, Oh, here she comes.
Izzie: Mer! You're supposed to be at the church.
Meredith: I'm going. i just came to say this isn't my dress.
Izzie: Of course it's your dress. It's perfect. What are you talking about?
Meredith: No, this dress is not for me.
Izzie: I don't... what? Oh god! i knew you were gonna freak out before the wedding. Mer, Derek loves you. Marriage is good. Tell her it's good.
Bailey: No, she's saying it's not her wedding dress.
Alex: She's right. The dress, it isn't for Meredith.
(Mer smiles and looks between Alex and Izzie)
Izzie: (Smiles in disbelief)

Bailey: So that's what we missed on the MRI?
Derek: Yeah. You know that part of the brain that reacted in the hallucination?
Bailey: Yeah.
Derek: It was the other temporal lobe.
Bailey: That, that's the tumor?
Derek: Yeah. Tiny. Too small to pick up on a normal MRI.
Bailey: But, ok, if it's that small how are you gonna get to it?
Derek: (give bailey a telling look) I wish there something more I could do for her. I wish I could. I like Steven's. She's one of the good ones. I wish there was something I could do for her.
Bailey: I um, I know something you can do.

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
