"You can tell me... who's damn panties are on the bulletin board!?"

"I'm proud of you all. You make me proud. You reflect on me well. Grey, if you think you can keep your clothes on long enough to follow up the labs I will appreciate it."

CRISTINA: Benjamin O'Leary, 32, in for the removal of a brain tumor that's pressing on his temporal frontal lobe. Clearly it's effecting his impulse control.
BENJAMIN: It makes me say everything I think. Which apparently is annoying. This doctor looks annoyed anyway. Although it's hard to tell cause she always has a pinched uptight look on her face. Am I annoying you?
CRISTINA: It's fine
RUTHI: You can't say it's fine. He doesn't preseve sarcasm or irony. If he's annoying you, you have to tell him.
BENJAMIN: Maybe I'm not annoying her Ruthi.
CRISTINA: No, you are.
MIRANDA: Doctor Yang!
CRISTINA: He asked!

CRISTINA: Oh you're one to talk. Sleeping with 2 men.
MEREDITH: Wrong. Not sleeping with either one of them. Not until I pick one. If I haven't made a decision by the end of the day, I'm flipping a coin. A girl can only hold out for so long.
CRISTINA: And somehow I'm the dirty stripper? Huh?!
MIRANDA: You two have time to round or are you too busy getting naked on hospital property?
CRISTINA: I wasn't naked. I wasn't naked!

[ID'ing the body] "Yes... that's him. Denny Duquette."

MIRANDA: "Let me hear him cry!"
MIRANDA: "Let me hear him cry! That's cry number four. He's hungry."

MEREDITH: "I seem to be drunk. I was off-duty."
MIRANDA: "So was I. Anybody else half in the bottle?"

[to Meredith] "Regretting that last shooter about now, aren't you?"

"This is our son... William George Bailey-Jones."

GEORGE: "Uh, Dr. Bailey... you're having a baby."
MIRANDA: "I'm holding it in. I'll have him tomorrow. Just not now, not like this. No. [crying] I'm going home! I'm going home right now! I can't. I can't do this without my husband, I can't do this alone."

MIRANDA: "Dr. Shepherd? Where exactly is my husband?"
ADDISON: "He’s with my husband."

MIRANDA: "I could do this at home with a pair of scissors and a bucket of hot water."
GEORGE: "You know, millions of women die every year from delivering their own babies. I did NOT just say that out loud."

Grey's Anatomy Quotes

[walking by Izzie's room]
Meredith: Hot.
Sadie: Horny.

Sexual sorbet? Hahaha! I love it.
