Carrie: I want everyone to get out of this without anyone getting hurt.
Miranda: Well, that's realistic.
Carrie: Why not? You've heard those stories about affairs where people realise how great their other relationship is and end it without anyone being the wiser?
Miranda: I don't watch Lifetime television for Women.

Charlotte: Who knew all this existed in the meat packing district?
Miranda: Yes, just yards away from dumpsters full of decaying cow.

Samantha: Ladies, let's just say it, we have it all, great apartments, great jobs, great friends, great sex....
Miranda: We can have our baby quiche and eat it too.
Samantha: Exactly, at my age, my mother would settle with three kids and a drunk husband.
Carrie: You just have three drunk friends.
Samantha: By choice.

Samantha: Homemade quiche?
Charlotte: You made these?
Samantha: Oh, hell no! I had them delivered, along with dinner, the wine and a dvd of Affair to Remember, which were watching later, drunk.
Miranda: You can get dvd's delivered?
Samantha: I use this hot new delivery service. You call them, anything you want, they bring it within an hour.
Charlotte: Anything?
Samantha: Um, last night I ordered condoms.
Miranda: Please, tell me you didn't fuck the delivery guy?
Samantha: No, John, the hot guy from the gym. And let me just say, the condoms came a lot faster than he did.
Carrie: Now there's a nice slogan.

Miranda: Um!
Charlotte: What?
Miranda: This is a little unusual, he has you on a vesting schedule. For every five years that you're married you get a percentage of five hundred thousand dollars.
Charlotte: I'm only worth five hundred thousand dollars?
Miranda: Over thirty years.
Carrie: Well, maybe that's their wholesale price?
Miranda: And, if you have any boys, you'll get another hundred grand free and clear.
Carrie: How much for girls?
Miranda: Nada!
Carrie: Well, that's just bad buisness.

Miranda: Fifty percent of marriages end in divorce.
Charlotte: See, there's it is again, divorce.
Mirnada: I'm sure you'll live happily ever after. But, I gotta tell ya, I wouldn't get married without one of these to protect myself.
Carrie: See, I'm safe, what's he gonna take from me, shoes? (thinks) Wait a minute, maybe I do need one.

Miranda: I can't believe I'm going to say this, but it feels wierd without her here.
Samantha: That's such a Charlotte thing to say.

Miranda: Well, this all looks pretty normal.
Charlotte: Normal? We haven't even gotten married yet, and we're already talking about divorce.
Carrie: Sweetie, a lot of people do pre-nups these days.
Charlotte: Marriage is supposed to be about love and happiness....
Miranda: And the merging and protecting of assets.
Charlotte: That is so unromantic.
Miranda: And necessary.

Samantha: I can't believe she's marrying that guy?
Miranda: For about a tenth of what's she's worth.
Carrie: Hey, I thought you were Ms pro-marriage these days?
Samantha: Honey, I wasdelirious , I also saw plaid spots all over my bathtub.

Miranda: It's like Martha Stewart exploded in here.
Carrie: Hey, look, headbands are back in style.
Samantha: I'm starving where's the food?
Miranda: Their wasps, there's never any food, only booze.
Samantha: Fine! Martini, six olives.

Charlotte: I did it. I negotiated with Bunny and I signed the pre-nup.
(Samantha and Miranda hold their breath)
Carrie: That's great sweetie.
Charlotte: I'm getting married.
Carrie, Samantha, Miranda: Congratulations.

Charlotte: You guys made it.
Carrie, Miranda, Samantha: hey!
Trey: Ladies, I see you've found the bar.
Miranda: We're good that way.

Sex and the City Quotes

It's like the riddle of the Sphinx. Why are there so many great unmarried women, and no great unmarried men?


(After Carrie gets off Mr. Big's car)
Carrie: Wait! Have you ever been in love?
Mr. Big: Abso-fucking-lutely.