So what you're saying is you have a child shaped hole in your heart and you wanna stuff a cat into it.

I got Luke a video game, but it's about math. So, I guess we're those kind of uncles.

Mitchell: I guess you don't respect party themes.
Cam: You did NOT just say that.

Mitchell: How are you doing?
Cameron: Oh not good. I'm just glad my clown training prepared me to take a fall like that.
Mitchell: In terms of talking about it, are we looking at weeks? Months?
Cameron: Do not minimize it, oh he who I had to rush to the emergency room when he fell out of his clogs.

Cameron: I got all medieval on the florists.
Mitchell: Cam, I heard you on the phone, you said you were displeased, but that's hardly going medieval.
Cameron: Excuse me, I said very displeased and I used my cowboy voice.

It happens to be mother's day. Not martyr's day.

Don't carry me out this time, I think it sends the wrong message to Lily.

And what are we supposed to tell the baby? Say hi to your Aunt Mommy!

Cameron: Did you hear that woman screaming my name?
Mitchell: That was Phil. He had a Red Bull.

What did Oprah do now

Mitchell: What's so great about destroying stuff?
Luke: It stuff into chunks of flying stuff!

He's managed to make a gay couple hate brunch.