My body is a temple and your bodies are stadium urine troughs.

Jane: You create your own destiny, like Katniss Everdeen in The Hunger Games.
Penny: Oh I love those books, you read them too?
Jane: No those books are for nerds, but I knew it'd get your attention.

Max: Pen I think you know me, we've made love.
Penny: Ugh.
Max: I think you ugh-mazing!

When I went out with that male nurse, I found out that I still have a soft spot for dating gay guys.

This helmet wasn't just protecting my head, it was protecting my heart.

Okay you're watching way too much stock photo in gay porn.

Penny: Oh my God, Oh my God I'm gonna die.
Alex: Me too! I mean we all are, but why are we talking about that now, it's sad.

That is cold blooded Leblonde Jane.

Bad transmission means the excitement is about to start!

Aww you're my little (and this is a working nickname) my sweet hunk of pete meat.

Penny: You lied to him?
Jane: Ok I did not know he was going to come in like he just shot the sheriff.

You smellin what I'm passin?

Happy Endings Quotes

You're sweating on my bruschetta.

Jane [to Brad]

The weird part is, now that I have a guy, everybody wants to set me up. Oh I know Al! I should hook you up with one of my "extras."
