Quiet Jane is the scariest Jane.

My prom date was one of those murderball champions.

Jane: So Max is a Bar Mitzvah MC now...
Penny: I think they prefer to be called Bart Mitzvah hype guys.

I don't get it. What is it about me? I am like Jewish boy crack.

You saw him cramp up during the Horah and he was nowhere to be found when "Shout" came on. No one could get even the slightest bit louder and at no point could anyone get even at all softer.

We were still reeling from the events surrounding the film Vanilla Sky.

Max: If that season had aired, I would've been the first openly gay person on television.
Jane: Except for Ellen, Rosie, all the career high guys.
Penny: Oh and Norman Korpi from the Real World season one.
Max: Deep cut.

Alex: This is an ergonomic work hammock. See how easy? No carpal tunnel for this productive gal.
Penny: That's a sex swing...

Pete I'm pregnant! I'm not but I could be! we could sell it and live off the money.

Spin class or chemistry class? It's like Breaking Bad in here, sit down let's cook!

What's gonna be open on Christmas? A gas station, drug store, Israel?

He said I broke the glass ceiling. That's right, I'll climb that corporate ladder in a skirt and I don't care who looks up it because I keep my yard tidy!

Happy Endings Quotes

You're sweating on my bruschetta.

Jane [to Brad]

The weird part is, now that I have a guy, everybody wants to set me up. Oh I know Al! I should hook you up with one of my "extras."
