Pete: Oh my god! Wha... what are you wearing?!
Frank: You're making me gay.
Liz: It's a joke, obviously. I'm wearing this as a joke. Bunch of comedy writers don't know a joke, jeez. [goes to her office]
Frank: I just threw up in my mouth.
Liz: I said it's a joke!

Liz: Jenna accused me of trying to destroy her because her lines didn't have any K sounds, which she thinks is the funniest sound
Pete: Oh my God. My cousin Karl crashed his car. And now he is in a coma at the Kendall Clinic.

Jack: Your evaluation gave me pause.
Pete: Are you sure? Those look like hands to me.

Jack: Your life is tied to the fate of the ring. It must be destroyed.
Pete: Are you quoting The Lord of the Rings?
Jack: No, I'm quoting myself talking to Bruce Willis.

Liz: No one can find out about this ...
Cerie: Find out about what?
Liz: Pete's stealing money!
Pete: Liz's uterus fell out!
Cerie: I think I already knew that.

It's way too early for this. I haven't even had my first cup of wine yet.

The more people you add, the less effective it is. Like a neighborhood dad garage band.

Liz: Where's Gary?
Jack: Gary's dead. I'm Jack Donaghy. New VP of development for NBC/GE/Universal/Kmart.
Pete: Oh, we own Kmart now?
Jack: No. Why are you dressed like we do?

Jack: Jenna's Dead.
Pete: I don't feel anything. What is wrong with me?

[on what the crew holds back from Liz] Farts, for one thing.

Another actor? Why? They have so many feelings and opinions!

We Hornbergers are famous cowards. On D-Day, my grandfather wore a German uniform under his American one...just in case.