Kenneth: But why would you want to cut your hair? You look exactly as I imagine Mary Magadalene to be.
Jenna: Thank you, but I am a selfless person who can't get arrested in this town!
Pete: I already explained that: that was a police sketch of a flasher who happened to look like Tracy... we hope.

Florida ... I can rent a convertible, you can complain about the heat with elderly people.

I'm guessing already married cat strangler.

You got sauce on me. Ya know, neighbors who wear my exact size don't die every day!

You have to talk to Jack. I can't lose my dental. There's a hygienist their whose boob sometimes touches my ear.

Last time I taught I was like Robin Williams in Dead Poets Society, by which I mean I got fired.

Pete: I'm the producer of the show.
Reggie: Right, that's what your wife told me in the shower this morning.

When your kid throws a tantrum and holds his breath, you hold your breath too. When you regain consciousness, believe me, he's ready to leave the toy store.

Damn it! I have to write a 40 word exit evaluation of Kenneth. I wish I was dead!

Liz: I hate going up to Donaghy's office even for something normal. I always feel like I'm entering the Death Star. I swear if Donaghy does this [does Darth Vader force strangle] at me, I'll run.
Pete: You'll be fine, Captain Needa.
Liz: No, Captain Needa dies. He dies!