Phoebe: Wow, look at these prices.
Rachel: Yeah, these are pretty ch-ching.
Joey: What are these, like famous chickens?

Rachel: I will have the (Speaks softly) side salad.
Waiter: And what will that be on the side of?
Rachel: I don't know. Why don't you just put it right here next to my water?

Waiter: Are we ready to order?
Rachel: Oh, you know what, we haven't even looked yet.
Waiter: Well, when you do, just let me know. I'll be right over there on the edge of my seat.

Phoebe: We just have to really, really, really, not let stuff like money get -- is that a hickey?
Monica: No, I just, I fell down.
Rachel: On someone's lips?

Rachel: So what is everybody doing for dinner?
Joey: Well, I have to save up, so I guess I'll be staying at home and eating dust bunnies.

Ross: I just never think of money as an issue.
Rachel: That's 'cause you have it.
Ross: That's a good point.

Rachel: (Sarcastically) Oh, Julie's so smart, Julie's so special.
Monica: Look honey, I wanted you to hook up with Ross as much as you did. But he's with her now and you're just gonna have to get over it.
Rachel: Oh, I'm gonna have to get over it. God, see I didn't know that's I had to do, I just have to get over it.

Chandler: (About his third nipple) It's just a tiny bump, it doesn't even do anything!
Rachel: Oh, as opposed to your other, multi-functional nipples?

Rachel: Let's just talk. We never just hang out and talk anymore.
Monica: Rachel, that's all we do.

Ross: Oh, what's the longest you've been in the relationship before having the sex?
Rachel: Why? Who's not having... Are you and Julie not having sex?
Ross: Technically, huh, no.
Rachel: Wow. Is it because she's so cold in bed? Or is it because she's like, kind of bossy, makes it feel like school?

(On the phone) Mom, would you relax? That was ten blocks from here and the woman was walking alone at night. I would never do that. Mom, come on, stop worrying. This is a safe street, this is a safe building, there's nothing-- (A pigeon flies in through the window) Oh, my God, I gotta go. (Hangs up the phone) Okay, that's fine, you just read the paper. I'm gonna get a pot, it's not for you. Okay, that's fine, read the Family Circus, enjoy the gentle comedy. (Traps the pigeon in a pot) Ah, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, ah.

Duncan: Hi.
Rachel: Hi, can I help you?
Duncan: Yeah, I'm looking for Phoebe. Does she still live here?
Rachel: Uh, no she doesn't but I can get a message to her.
Duncan: Great. Uh, just tell her her husband stopped by.
Rachel: What?!
(Due to her surprise, she accidentally releases the captured pigeon from the pot.)
Duncan: Hey, how, how did you do that?

Friends Quotes

Ross: I get home, and I see Julie's saline solution on my night table. And I'm thinking to myself, "Oh my God, what the hell am I doing?" I mean, here I am, I am with Julie, this incredible, great woman, who I care about and who cares about me, and I'm like, what, am I just gonna throw all that away?
Joey: You got all that from saline solution?

Phoebe: (About Ross bringing luggage) How long did you think this barbecue was gonna last?
Ross: I'm going to China.
Phoebe: Jeez, you say one thing, and...
Monica: You're going to China?
Ross: (Not wanting to get into it) It's for the museum. Someone found a bone. We want the bone. They don't want us to have the bone. I'm going to try to persuade them to give us the bone. It's a whole big bone thing.