Richard: I paid Yale a great deal of money. Getting Rory in would be a breeze.
Lorelai: We don't like breezes, they mess up our hair.

Richard: I always wake up at 5:30 in the morning.
Lorelai: Wow. Why?
Richard: Well, I've been doing it for as long as I remember.
Lorelai: Be bold, Dad. Wake up at quarter to six one day.

(Lorelai is sitting on the couch reading as Rory walks through the front door. The phone is ringing)
Lorelai: Agh!
Rory: Hey.
Lorelai: Gah!
Rory: Mom! (answers the phone) Hello? (hangs up) That ringing is not in your head, you know.
Lorelai: Uh, you've gotta read this Motley Crue book. I swear, you get to the point where Ozzy Osbourne snorts a row of ants and you think, it cannot get any grosser, and then you turn the page and oh, hello, yes it can! It's excellent!
Rory: Why didn't you answer the phone?
Lorelai: Because I firmly believe that once you've experienced something five thousand times, you need to move on.
Rory: What are you talking about?
Lorelai: I knew who it was.
Rory: Who was it?
Lorelai: The same person who's called the machine so many times now that I actually heard it sigh.
Rory: Dean?
Lorelai: Dean the determined.
Rory: Oh man.
(phone rings again)
Lorelai: Five bucks says I know who that is.
Rory: (answers the phone) Hello?
Richard: Rory, it's your grandfather.
Rory: Oh, hey Grandpa.
Lorelai: He did that on purpose.

Richard: What makes you think you can get a young person to spend good money on something that they can get "for free", or at least at a lower cost?
Paris: Because I know one thing about the modern teenager.
Richard: And what is that?
Paris: That you can get them to buy anything as long as it comes in a leopard print.
Louise: True.
Madeline: Very True.

Emily: Richard, are you serious about this?
Richard: As a heart attack.

Emily: That's a camera?
Lorelai: That's a camera.
Richard: It looks like a toy.

Richard: (about Trix's boyfriend) Do you really think he was wearing a track suit? Well, I wonder if he was wearing Nikes also.
Lorelai: 'Just do it' takes on a whole new meaning doesn't it?

Richard: And how are things at the motel?
Lorelai: The inn? They're great.
Emily: Lorelai's the executive manager now. Isn't that wonderful?
Richard: (about Rory's father, who is not in her life) Speaking of which, Christopher called yesterday.
Lorelai:: Speaking of which? How is that a speaking of which?

Richard: Rory. You're tall.
Rory: I guess.
Richard: Well, what's your height?
Rory: 5'7".
Richard: That's tall! She's tall.
Lorelai: Hi, Dad.
Richard: Lorelai. Your daughter's tall.
Lorelai: Oh, I know, it's freakish. We're thinking of having her studied at M.I.T.

Rory: She caught him in the pool house with the tennis pro, not the riding instructor.
Richard: I had no idea.
Rory: That committee of yours is not looking at people as much as you think.
Richard: Oh, why would they? From what you've told me, they're all involved in one nefarious activity after another.
Rory: It's a conspiracy.
Richard: It's Peyton Place. Is there more?
Rory: Can you handle it?
Richard: Oh, I'll steel myself.
Rory: Okay, Mr. Neville likes all things frilly.
Richard: Good God, he's my broker.
Rory: I don't think one will affect the other.

Richard: Now, what do you know about golf?
Rory: That it's a good walk spoiled.

Richard: Lorelai the First.
Rory: I thought Mom was the first.
Richard: No, no.
Emily: Not in the name.
Lorelai: No, but in so many other things, I was a regular Trailblazer. (to Emily) Just finishing your thought, Mom.

Gilmore Girls Quotes

(about the pants she's bought for Luke) I don't know what this fabric is, but I think I want to have its baby.


(to Rory) You can use your mother's old golf clubs. They're upstairs gathering dust along with the rest of her potential.
