Lane: England won the World Cup.
Roger: Cup of what?

When is everything gonna get back to normal?

Forget everything I said before. That's the last guy I hired (nods to Pete).

I want you to bring me a good looking version of Don.

Don: Mohawk is going to insist on a regular copywriter.
Roger: Someone with a penis.
Peggy: I'll work on that.

Is it just me, or is the lobby full of Negros?

Has anyone even seen this baby with you walking next to him?

Pete: Where am I supposed to conduct business?
Roger: In the crapper for all I care.

Roger: Why don't you sing like that?
Jane: Why don't you look like him?

Don: Miss Calvet and I are getting married.
Roger: Who the hell's that?

Don: I slept last night for the first time in a month.
Roger: You slept? Really? You weren't smiling over the taste of shit that would be in everybody's mouth over breakfast today?

Listen, doctor, we know there's a black spot on the X-Ray, you don't need to keep tapping your finger on it.

Mad Men Quotes

Don Draper: Let me ask you something, what do woman want?
Roger Sterling: Who cares?

Psychiatry is just this year's candy pink stove.
