Sage: I am so sick of you worshiping at the altar of Megan Smith
Rose: What is that supposed to mean?
Sage: You've been acting all righteous ever since her and her poly cotton ass has walked into this house

Sage: You know since you've moved into this house, I actually look forward to going to school every morning
Megan: Aww thanks sage
Sage: Not a compliment

Caryn: I can't believe you live here.. I am in awe
Sage: And I am in awe of your outfit
Caryn: Thanks
Sage: Not a compliment.. why do people just assume?

Rose: Wait, how can you be done already I'm barely half way
Sage: Well maybe if you didn't all waste your time looking up every other word you'd be done too
Rose: Megan says increasing my vocabulary is the easy the way to boost comprehension
Sage: Well Megan is old

You're getting all perspirey, you look like the help

Sage [to Luis]: I'm sorry, are you talking to me?
Luis: Hi, I'm Luis
Marco: He's new
Sage: And now you want to touch me? Do you understand the concept of boundaries, Louis?
Luis: It's Luis
Sage: It's irrelevant

Sage: I get really mad when my blood sugar gets low
Luis: What's your excuse for the rest of the time?

Sage: I'll need a wing man, are you in?
Rami: What's in it for me?
Sage: Nothing
Rami: I'm in

Zack: So what should I do?
Sage: Okay, Rose is a big time romantic, I mean she's seen The Notebook like nine times
Zack: Really? I love that movie
Sage: Yeah, maybe don't share that with everyone. But say if you could be here around six, bring some flowers and just be your dork little self

Sage: But what if I'm not fun?
Rose: What are you talking about? You're super fun
Sage: Yeah with you and at like parties and stuff. But you know how you're always saying, school just comes easy for me. Well being adorable just comes easy for you. It's a gift Rose, you should cherish it.

Rose: Did you know everyone in this town hates each other?
Sage: Um yeah. It's Palm Beach, not the friggin' midwest

Rose: I think you're way overreacting
Sage: Umm.. you're obsessing over a fat girl from spacecamp and I'm overreacting? My guy is a religious zealot!
Rose: He goes to church
Sage: Zealot
Rose: That does not make him a zealot...
Sage: Come on, you've seen The Da Vinci Code. What if he's the albino and flogs himself?

Privileged Quotes

Boss [about Megan's hair]: It's just so bright
Megan: Everyone loves Lucille Ball but no one does anything about it.
Boss: This isn't about the hair, though it is really distracting...

Hey lady, i can see your va-jay-jay!

Random kid