Sam: Are you trying to get back together with Josie?
Sock: What? I... I am trying to make amends, Sam, okay? And if she chooses to thank me in a naked or partially naked way, well that's okay too. I'll take it

Cady: Great hot tub, Sock.
Sock: Yeah, I know. Hottubbing is a passion of mine.
Sam: But why is it in your front yard?
Sock: Hmmm? Why would I put something this awesome in my backyard?
Sam: Privacy?
Sock: Privacy is for idiots

Sam: So that's what 6 million dollars looks like, huh?
Sock: Yeah. I was gonna get naked and roll around in it, but I didn't shower today. I didn't want to get the money dirty.
Ben: Thank you for that

Devil: I don't know. There's something about the sea air. You know?
Sam: Yeah.
Devil: Maybe it's because all of life came from the sea. It's primordial, clean, fresh, and almost entirely covers up the stench of that decomposing corpse down there

Devil: And you know moms. They love talkin' about their kids.
Sam: Even when their kid's a people eater.
Devil: Well, it's just more to talk about

Sam: You should hear the way she snores. Seriously, it's not normal. It's like she's a creature from the underworld.
Sock: Oh god, I love that movie, Kate Beckinsale, black spandex.
Sam: There's something wrong with her.
Sock: What?! Kate Beckinsale is perfection, what's wrong with you??

Sock: Let me get this straight, you want us to go jogging in the creepy woods where the soul has been killing people?
Sam: Yeah.
Sock: Okay, let's go...

Sam: Glasses?
Devil: They help you see the true face of evil. [Sam starts to put them on looking at the Devil] Ah. You don't want to do that, Sam. Trust me, unless you brought a change of underwear

Devil [appearing from a closet]: Finally leaving the nest, huh?
Sam: Finally coming out of the closet, huh?
Devil: Oh, a homosexual joke. Very witty

Sock: I've got places to be.
Ben: Where?
Sock: Like the Work Bench.
Sam: You picked up an extra shift?
Sock: Hey, man, I've got rent to pay now.
Sam: Wow, that's really responsible of you.
Sock: I know. No, I'm messing with you. No, I got to hook up with this chick in the pool. I met her on the elevator. She's so into me

Sock: Okay, I got another one. Supergirl or Wonder Woman.
Sam: Wonder Woman.
Ben: Definitely Wonder Woman.
Sock: There's something to be said for a woman who's into bondage, you know?

Sam: You guys think it's kind of weird we replaced our parents with a couple of gay dudes?
Sock: Weird, Sam? No. Genius

Reaper Quotes

Hey, no shame in community college, K-Fed. I almost went


Sam [about the vessels]: Wait. So, they're not all little vacuums?
DMV Demon: The boss gives you the vessel he thinks you can handle. You must be a real moron