Hit it, Mr. Wizard.

Sam: Have you seen you? You look like...
Dean: ... the old chick in Titantic. Shut up.

Sam: It's like Grumpy Old Men.
Dean and Bobby: Shut up, Sam!

Sam: It's like Mission: Pathetic.

Cathy Randolph: I could have sworn I saw... the Incredible Hulk.
Sam: The Incredible Hulk?
Cathy Randolph: I told you, it's crazy.
Dean: Bana or Norton?
Cathy Randolph: Oh, no, those movies were terrible. The TV Hulk.
Dean: Lou Ferrigno?
Cathy Randolph: Yes.

Sam: It was you on the police scanner, right? This is a trick.
Trickster: Hello? Trickster.

I am doing all I can, to slightly lessen the spread of... of genital herpes. And that's a good thing.

Trickster/Gabriel: Where'd I screw up.
Sam: You didn't. Nobody gets the jump on Castiel like you did.
Dean: Mostly it was the way you talked about Armageddon.
Trickster/Gabriel: Meaning?
Dean: Well, call it personal experience. Nobody gets that angry unless they're talking about their own family.
Sam: So which one are you? Grumpy, Sleepy, or Douchy?

Dr. Piccolo: Doctor, seriously.
Sam: What?
Dr. Picolo: Seriously, you are brilliant, you know that, and a coward. You're a brilliant coward.
Sam: Uh, what are you talking about?
Dr. Picolo: As if you don't know.

Sam: Oh, hey, Chuck, look. If you really want to publish more books, I guess that's okay with us.
Chuck: Wow. Really?
Sam: No, not really. We have guns and we will find you.

Sam: Okay, last words?
Dean: I think I'm good.
Sam: Yeah, me too.
Dean: Here goes nothing.

Sam: It's probably a dumbwaiter. All these old houses had them.
Dean: Know-it-all.
Sam: What?
Dean: What?
Sam: You said...
Dean: What?
Sam: Never mind.

Supernatural Quotes

Why do they call this place The Empty? It's full. It's full of sorrow and despair playing over and over again of angels and demons dreaming about their regrets. Forever.


Weird, creepy, off-the-grid "Children of the Corn" people? Yeah, I’m in.
