What followed was a long day and a half for Lily, a really long day and a half. It's kind of insane how much happened in just a day and a half.

You guys see the irony here. The only person who could possibly get Barney back on his feet is Barney.

Robin: No! We are not doing Weekend at Barney's!
Ted: But that's the dream!

No no no! Ted do not give me that look.
Ted; A mountain of food, a ticking clock? Come on you live for this stuff.


I finally found the one Marshall. Her name, is Bacon.

I love Barney, but I'm not going to jail for him.

Ted: Singles tables are cruel. I mean what if you went to a wedding and there was a table of all fat guys?
Marshall: That would be awesome.

The Mother: What are you doing?
Ted: Remembering this.

You will be shocked kids, when you discover how easy it is in life to part ways with people forever. That's why, when you find someone you want to keep around, you do something about it.


And that's how it goes kids. The friends, neighbors, drinking buddies and partners in crime you love so much when you're young, as the years go by, you just lose touch.

Ted: Uh Barney who's taller, me or you?
Barney: You're taller, I wear lifts in all my shoes.

Barney: I've had sex in Ted's bed 14 times.
Ted: I asked if you wear shoulder pads.