Lisbon: Visualize has a college.
Cho: Apparently you major in yourself.

Lisbon: Are you sure about this?
Jane: Are you ever going to tire of asking me that?

When aliens do come I hope they eat you.

Jane: Ten years, huh?
Lisbon: More actually. Every year with you counts as two.

Lisbon: Sweetie, it's all right. We're with the CBI.
Jane: I know it sounds made up but we have a website and everything.

Jane: Cheer up -
Lisbon: Why?
Jane: Because it's better to be happy than to be sad.

Lisbon: Are we partners or what?
Jane: Come here partner.

Jane: This is Red John.
Lisbon: How can you tell?
Jane: Because when it's him I can feel it.

Lisbon: Look, I hope we can get you out of this mess. But it's also true that I do hope that you learn a lesson from this. There are real boundaries in life. These are real prison walls.
Jane: (almost whispering) Only in your mind, Lisbon. Only in your mind.

I didn't say I never did anything bad. I just never got caught.

Jane: So you took the whole Santa revelation badly.
Lisbon: Crushed my heart like a cigarette.

Jane: Oh, please don't look at each other like that.
Lisbon: Like what? You can't see.
Jane: I can feel. I can feel your pity.

The Mentalist Quotes

Lisbon: How are the kids?
Rigsby: Sticky mostly.

Jane: You look marginally rested.
Lisbon: I was hoping to actually get to REM sleep tonight.