Tony: Dear noble eastern white pine, this is from Abby Sciutto. She said you would know what to do with it. There you go. There, I said it. Are you happy?
McGee: I'm happy and Abby will be very happy.

Bishop: Attention squad room.
Tony and McGee: Louder!
Bishop: Attention squad room! I, Eleanor Bishop, am asking spirits of criminal science for a really hectic day! A crazy day where lots of things go terribly, terribly wrong.
Tony: There you go.

McGee: Just so you know, I donated a bunch of my stuff last week. Stuff that was important to me.
Delilah: More important than my stuff, or more important than us?
Tony: That's a trap.

McGee: Let me explain to you why that is not creepy. They're my recitals. I used to tap dance. Yeah. You heard me. I used to tap dance and you know what? I was a natural. In fact, I was amazing. They used to tell me Timmy "Soft Shoe Savant" McGee. You understand? And I'm not ashamed of it.
Tony: I gotta find a VHS player.

Bishop: Zero zero, one one zero.
McGee: You're welcome.

McGee: That's actually really interesting what he was doing.
Tony: Not really, McNerd. What is interesting is that the fact that his CO says he's been divorced three times, has no friends or family that still talks to him.
Gibbs: Yeah.

Bishop: So, you don't like Mitch because he's cool?
McGee: Look, you know sitting next to him I feel like I'm back in high school getting that one pity vote for homecoming king. And by the way that vote came from my mother. I don't know how she snuck in an illegal ballot but....

McGee: Where are you going?
Tony: I'm done taking orders. Are you coming?

McGee: Gibbs was shot.
Ducky: Shot?
McGee: Twice. Point blank range. Luke Harris.

Rousseau: You ask about the United States. You ask the wrong questions.
McGee: Then why don't you set me straight.
Rousseau: When you plan a big party, there are many details to discuss over many lines. It is impossible to keep them secret. You left the party to be with me today, no? I'm sorry you're missing our contribution to the fun.
McGee: Guard! I need a phone!

McGee: Gorney, need a towel or a fan over there?
Ned: You try navigating this gauntlet, Timmy boy. Feels like I just spent hours running through catacombs to kill a dragon-priest only to step outside and have another dragon riding right on my tail.
McGee: It's an obscure Skyrim reference boss that actually makes perfect sense.
Gibbs: Thank you elf-lord. What did you find, dragon-priest?

Tony: You must have had a rough childhood. Normally I would take great pleasure in breaking a clown like you down nice and slow. But considering that you conspired with a terrorist and you are responsible for the torture and murder of a United States Marine, I'm a little pissed off and pressed for time.
Ashmore: Hey good cop. You wanna step in here?
McGee: You're on your own.

NCIS Quotes

Bishop: Seriously? How'd you get that?
Tony: Well, it's like Gorillas in the Midst. You'll get to understand his grunts.

Torres: When I break out the glass, maybe I can rip out the bars.
Bishop: With what? Your superhuman strength?