Liz: Tracy, get out of the hallway.
Tracy: OR AM I?
Liz: Oh God, this dream again.
Tracy: That's not me. That's a Tracy Jordan Japanese Sex Doll. You can tell us apart because it's not suffering from a vitamin deficiency.

I can't talk now, I have to get my wallet out of the toaster.


You're still here! You didn't go to the store for milk and heroin and then never come back.

Kenneth! I knew you'd come back. Let me smell your head.

Liz: The next time you hallucinate just tell yourself "this is not real. I am in control of this."
Tracy: Like the World Cup.

Tracy: Kenneth should have given you the code word.
Jesse: What?
Tracy: That's it!

Tracy: Point is, I won't be at rehearsal all this week.
Liz: No, Tracy!
Tracy: Exactly. No Tracy. Thanks for being so understanding.

[regarding his ankle bracelet alcohol monitor] Maybe I'll just compromise - go to the party, cut off my foot and drink all I want!

And good for you Liz Lemon. There's something about you lately... makes me want to put my feet in your mouth.

Tracy: So for me to be there at the birth of my daughter, I have to answer trivia questions despite having gone to middle school in an Exxon station?
Ben Bailey: Yeah.

I do not want to disappoint our Japanese public, especially Godzilla. Hahaha! I'm just kidding, I know he doesn't care what humans do.


Tracy: Yeah, I don't have a daughter.
Jack: Let's have a casting session on Monday.