I personally love cop shows. I can't wait for Law and Order to start back up...Why? It was a tent pole! A tent pole!

Tracy: It was funnier than the porn version. And the best part is when the actors started cracking up. They laughed so hard they couldn't even finish the skit.
Liz: Uh huh, and you're point is?
Tracy: I would like to do that please.

Jenna: President O'Bama, in your own words, why are you a terrorist that hates America?
Tracy: That's an excellent question...Uh oh, I'm doing something called "breaking" Blahahahaha. Snort. Heehee. Giggle giggle. The audience loves this!

Are you doping, Liz Lemon? That stuff will shrink your testicles, but there are bad side effects as well.

Jack: What are you doing?
Tracy: Payback. The way you treated me. You used me.
Jack: God, its like dating Katie Couric all over again. I didn't use you. I created a situation that could have been mutually beneficial and you blew it.

I just can't turn down community service. 'Cause if I do, that judge will make me join the Coast Guard.

Hells yes Liz Lemon. And I had plans. Me and Angie rented the penthouse at the SoHo Grand where we will drink wine and pleasure each other.

Liz Lemon is the only person I know who even has a father.

Dot Com: Sometimes things change.
Tracy: And yet you still say stupid stuff to me all the time.

Sabotage? But I'm the one who does that to me.

Tracy: I need a hundred thousand dollars, or I'm gonna lose both my houses.
Jack: Tracy, I don't understand. You've starred in 14 films; you don't have any money saved?
Tracy: No, I lost all of it.
Jack: Really? Who's your money manager?
Tracy: Grizz.
Grizz: Worldcom, man. Worldcom.

Frank: Hey, uh, you got anything about being a dad? People eat that garbage up.
Tracy: I like to walk around my house naked, to remind my oldest son who's still got the biggest ding-dong.
Pete: No
Tracy: Or I could tell the story of how I met Sharon Stone.
Pete: What was that?
Tracy: I was pooping in the ladies' room at The Ivy-
Pete: No.