Tracy: I want to hold a mirror up to society and then win world record for biggest mirror.
Frank: He's totally right.

Jenna: I'm the hot blonde...
Tracy: And I'm the nerd who takes off his glasses and everyone realizes he's handsome.

I took my son to his cello recital this morning at what turned out to be midnight yesterday!

I am a stabbing robot.

C.C.: Nobody can know we're together. Not even your friend Tracy Jordan out there.
Jack: I don't think you have to worry about Tracy.
Tracy: Stop eating people's old French fries, pigeon! Have some self respect! Don't you know you can fly?

Tracy: [as Sally Hemings] I'm with child!
Tracy: [as Thomas Jefferson] What?
Tracy: [as Sally Hemings] Will you free me and make me your wife?
Tracy: [as Thomas Jefferson] Um... I'm gonna have to get back to you on that.

Hello. Good sweatshirt. How are you sweatshirting this sweatshirt?

That's a great goal for a crazy person.

I'm sorry to use my barn voice, but I'm riled up!

Oh no, Kenneth's a killer, and the Riddler is coming!

I could talk about how the moon is a spy satellite put there by Oprah and Minister Farrakhan, and not the Minister Farrakhan you are thinking of.

If you have a spaceship and you're looking for a hilarious astronaut with an irregular heartbeat and $30 million, I am prepared to leave as soon as tomorrow. I wrote that yesterday.