Wendy: You don't tell someone about a surprise party before they walk in
Victory: Yeah but you should probably tell them after it's canceled

Wendy [asking question out of a magazine quiz]: What do you know that you wish you knew when you were 25
Victory: Don't kiss your contractor if you want Joe Bennett to call you back
Wendy: Oddly that's not one of the choices

[after hitting something on the road]
Victory: You're gonna keep driving?
Nico: Yeah I'm not certified in possum CPR
Wendy: It really is Nico's world and we just live in it
Victory: Not if you're a possum

Oh my god, no more surprises. If you're going to tell me I'm adopted, can you wait till Thursday?

Nico: Victory, you're not gonna get over Joe by sitting at home in your bathrobe stuffing your face with nutter butters
Victory: How about double fisting sleeping pills and hiding under the covers?

Nico: You are coming. It's my first thanksgiving with Kirby and I want it to be fun
Victory: I see I'm just going to mask my pain and become a performing clown for you guys
Nico: Yeah, do you mind?

Victory: Go!
Roy: If you need me I'm just three connecting flights away

You don't understand I'd have to miss Wendy's Thanksgiving dinner... it's fantastic!

Wendy: If we're going to have a locavore Thanksgiving it's going to take planning..
Victory: and a BB gun. How do you get a meal out of Central Park anyway? Is there a recipe for stewed squirrel in here?

Nico: Promise me you'll be slightly more professional at your marketing meeting?
Victory: Why? You don't want me to bring my hello kitty lunch box?

Nico [about Victory posing nude]: ...to tie your image to your brand. Look at Martha Stewart, she's very smart she put herself over everything
Victory: Not naked
Wendy: Well, we never saw the prison calendar

Victory: Are all these people gonna be here when we start the..
Kirby: I can send some of them home and the rest will just look at their shoes

Lipstick Jungle Quotes

I can't think less of you. You've smelled like mop & glow for the last week.

Victory [to Roy]

Wendy: Sounds like someone is driving without breaks.
Victory [whispers]: Gun it.