Dr. Miller: I'm Dr. Miller. A few quick things: Don't talk while I'm talking, never utter the phrase "It's Miller time", and I don't like the smell of cologne in my operating room. Now, I'd like to take a minute to listen to any questions or comments that any of you might have, and then after this minute I never want to hear from any of you ever, ever, ever again. Anyone?
Turk: Uh...I'm allergic to shellfish...?
Dr. Miller: Any other allergies? No? Great! You, and unibrow, go scrub up.
Camera reveals Todd, sporting a unibrow.
Turk: What?
Todd: My waxer's in the Bahamas.
Turk: Get a new one!

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Turk, The Todd
Scrubs Season 3 Episode 15: "My Tormented Mentor"
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Turk Quotes, The Todd Quotes, Scrubs Season 3 Episode 15 Quotes, Scrubs Quotes
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Scrubs Season 3 Episode 15 Quotes

Todd: Gotta grab those.
Dr. Kelso: No!
Staffer: Ugh!
Dr. Kelso: Remember, we look... but we don't touch.
Todd: Okay.

Dr. Cox: You know, honey, I'm-I'm here now, if you-if you want your friends to leave.
Jordan: We're getting chemical peels tomorrow.
Dr. Cox: Oh. Okay.