Cyril: Archer, do something!
Archer: Who am I, Alan Turing? He was also in X-Men, remember?

Pam: How's the elevator supposed to work with a gillion pounds of computers on it?!
Cheryl: Who am I, Elisha Otis?

Cyril: Maybe I could kill that pesky old worm?
Pam: How you gonna do that? Disappoint it to death?

What is this thing, made of Wolverine's bones? Does no one here read X-Men?

Pam: The identity of every single ISIS field agent is on there!
Archer: So what?
Malory: Because most secret agents don't tell every harlot from here to Hanoi that they ARE secret agents.
Archer: Then why be one?

Archer: Pam, wait up! Get me drunk enough and i might have sex with you
Pam: Really?
Archer: No. It's a catch-22. The amount of alcohol I would need would literally kill me. But I do want to see how many pool balls you can stick in your mouth.
Pam: My record's three.

What! Whaaaat!


Woodhouse: 1,200 pounds
Archer: No one is getting killed over however much that is in real money.

Did you see that? That was like like Steve McQueen and John Woo had a baby and that baby was you, baby.

Archer: You want me to take a baby to a murder?
Malory: Wherever, just out of here. I have no more love to give today.
Archer: What is it, like 2:30?

Pam: Can you explain compounding interest to Cheryl?
Cyril: Maybe if we had an infinite amount of time and she was some one else

I can do baby or I can do geezer murder mystery but I can't do both!

Archer Season 2 Quotes

Cyril: I will start cooking the books.
Lana: Good thing you know how to cheat.

Videotex? Wow, growth industry.
