So if I were you, I'd run out that door while I still had a chance. I'd also waste 5 precious minutes of my head start in the race to freedom, giving that swell guy Archer a combination thank-you-goodbye blow job.

I was concerned about you - blow me!

Hawley: Awww screw me!
Archer: ...said Ripley to the android Bishop.

I am totally digging this whole Queen Kong vibe.


Cyril: How do you not know the different kinds of porn?
Archer: Because I have sex with actual women, Cyril! My girlfriend's not equal parts the internet, a tube of Kentucky jelly, self-loathing and a sock!

Cyril: You could pose him with Woodhouse
Krieger: God knows he's a little GILF.

Cyril: He can't come in without a warrant - well, unless you invite him in.
Archer: He's not a vampire, idiot. Plus it's daytim

The last thing you need right now is a big, shit-eating "I told you so."

This is only somewhat like that old gypsy woman said!!


Malory: Well, she won't go to rehab and you won't let her die with dignity...
Lana: From an overdose of cocaine cake?!

Malory: It's good because it's cocaine!
Archer: Oh my God, and little kids eat it!?

Ron: Next time remind me to get shot in the head!
Archer: Ron, next time get shot in the head.

Archer Season 5 Quotes

Lana: Screw you, Mr My-mother's-a-lying-bitch-and-I'm-too-stupid-to-realize-my-life's-a-pathetic-joke!
Archer: Nice to meet you, Mrs Hello-my-kid's-from-a-sperm-bank-since-I-can't-keep-a-man-because-in-addition-to-my-jillion-neuroses-I-have-a-weird-looking-vagina!

Cheryl: You're all jealous of my fall-back career!"
Pam: As what, an ACTUAL acorn?