I'm completely in love with you and you're the only person I can trust right now.


Voight: I almost lost you in there.
Dawson: You gonna tell me to tow the line?
Voight: I'll tell you how much ice to put in your drink and right now, I need you to relax.

You asked me if I have a kid. I do. She's a girl. She's seven just like Brianna. So you can imagine what I felt when I saw you It's a little overwhelming being a father sometimes. Being a detective. You get scared.


Adam: You alright?
Callum: My mom won't let me see my grandpa.

Justice and law don't always work in perfect harmony.


I don't need your protection, Hank. I made my choices. I live with them.


Lindsay: You miss us, though, right?
Antonio: I cry myself to sleep every night.

Hey, you kind of find yourself in an erotic asphyxiation situation here boss.


Even if you find something, even if you make something up, I know you got a dirty cop on your crew.


You stood in front of me, and you told me, "you and me," and you lied to me.


We got this. We do.


You did three stretches for burglary. You're not a very good criminal, Tony.


Chicago PD Quotes

But I wanted it. Wanted to be something different than what I was, knew I could. See, I don't people have to end up anywhere near where they started.


Yo, Al, don't you got some sort of beef with Father McSorley?
